Chapter 5

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The world he was in was called the Chaos Realm, it was a cultivation world with a spiritual energy called Qi that allows a user to cultivate.

People who cultivate are called Martial practitioners or cultivators and usually aiming with one goal in mind, ascension to immortality.

Practitioners cultivate at a very young age so they'll be able to unlock their spiritual root. Spiritual roots are very important as they unlock a cultivator special element which allows them to wield special abilities.

Though when you unlock your spiritual root you will have to practice certain Sword manuals or Cultivation manuals that is compatible with your ability as not all manual can be suitable for you.

To determine what Spiritual Roots you have, you will be tested when young by a tester who tells you to send some spirit energy into a certain orb. This orb will tell the tester what spirit root you contain by what the colour that is shown through the orb.

When the results are shown the tester will then inform your parents if you have the talent to cultivate or not. People with rare or divine spiritual root may have the ability to cultivate quickly or gain special benefits.

Majorly well known influential families will often send their young ones to a certain Sect to further cultivate their ability. A Sect is like an academy or school were cultivators learn special cultivation or sword technique that help level up their cultivation base.

The cultivation levels in this word are:

-Qi Gathering
1st tier
2nd tier
3rd tier
-Qi Refining
4th tier
5th tier
6th tier
7th tier

-Martial Beginner
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial Rookie
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial Soldier
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial General
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial Commander
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial Monarch
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial Emperor
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial Master
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial Elder
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial Ancestor
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial Grandmaster
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

-Martial Saint
Early stage
Mid stage
Advance stage
Peak stage

Bronze tier
Silver tier
Gold tier
Black tier

Bronze tier
Silver tier
Gold tier
Black tier


Having a rare spiritual root will help you a lot as you could gain a special invitation allowing you to immediately enter the Sect without doing any tests, you could also gain certain masters who will help you with your cultivation or pass their special techniques onto you.

Usually, to enter a specific Sect, you will have to enter their recruitment event which only happens within a certain time period. Once you enter you will have to do many tests which will show off your potential, allowing an elder deciding whether or not you made it in.

When this event happens the royal families usually also participate as having your youngsters in a Sect will provide the country with many connections and possibly assistants when in the time of need.

Not only this was a cultivation world but this was also a world that has another gender known as Gers.

Gers are basically males who have the ability to give birth, their physic leaned onto the feminine side and have looks that can be outwardly beautiful.

To tell ones is a ger is by there aura alone as they leak a faint flowery type of presence or another way one could tell by their red visible marks on their body.

There still male and females in this world they just have another gender called gers that's all.

There are also spiritual beasts in this world that can cultivate like cultivators. They have different cultivation levels and bloodlines which range from common, unusual, rare, ancient and celestial.

To tell what level a beast is is by the colour of the stone in the middle of their forehead.

All beast have some sort of stone embedded in their forehead which will indicate what level by the colour it shines and how faint or prominent the colour is.

For example, if the stone was silver but the silver is quite dull that means the beast is First rank, Silver stage.

Beast levels are:

-Bronze Stage
First rank
Second rank
Third rank
Fourth rank
Fifth rank

-Silver Stage
First rank
Second rank
Third rank
Fourth rank
Fifth rank

-Gold Stage
First rank
Second rank
Third rank
Fourth rank
Fifth rank

-Black Stage
First rank
Second rank
Third rank
Fourth rank
Fifth rank

-Platinum Stage
First rank
Second rank
Third rank
Fourth rank
Fifth rank

-Star Stage
First rank
Second rank
Third rank
Fourth rank
Fifth rank

-Moon Stage
First rank
Second rank
Third rank
Fourth rank
Fifth rank

-Celestrial Stage
First rank
Second rank
Third rank
Fourth rank
Fifth rank

Some beast who can cultivate at a certain stage can transform into a human or speak to one but if beast were to have ancient bloodline or so in their system they will already have the ability to speak to humans without the need to hit a certain stage or rank too.

Most Cultivators in this world usually will contract with a beast as their companion, this not only increases their strengths but rank as well.

Once you contract with a beast, both cultivators and beast will be able to ascend in cultivation base and understand each other properly due to the link you both have established and shared.

Spiritual Beast are usually prideful creatures so it's rather hard to contract and find one with an ancient or celestial bloodline while the common to unusual ones are easier to bond with and seek since they are usually sold in auctions or by beast merchants.


Hey guys I wanted to put down the cultivation levels so just incase you guys will wonder in the future what cultivation levels are there as I know some people will ask them if I don't put it in so I just rather prefer to put it in now.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter hehe.

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