Chapter 9

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After putting Ming to sleep, Meilin went off to read the note the goddess wrote for him.

It took him a while to put the bun to sleep as the boy kept holding onto him tight, scared that he will leave him at the end so Meilin took some time to reassure and promise the bun many times that no matter what he wouldn't in which it eventually settled Ming, as he finally drifted off to sleep.

Walking gently hoping not to awaken the sleeping child, Meilin went to sit on the dining table as he began to read through the note, as he read line by line he couldn't help but tremble from each and every word.

To be honest, he actually thought the goddess will just bless him with just a rare spiritual root, never did he imagine she will bless him with a divine one!!!

His spiritual root was called the Tiānshàng Fairy root, it isn't any of your normal type of spiritual roots it was a divine one, not many well, not any has it in this continent at all and if that person did that would only be a trillion years ago, wait even more.

This divine spiritual root allows a cultivator to wield fairy-like wings, instead of the usual flying sword, it also grants the cultivator light and nature elements.

You could also have the abilities to communicate with spiritual beasts and understand their language, no matter if it's from common bloodline to celestial.

Though the only downside about this spiritual root was that you will have to cultivator longer and harder for you to ascend a rank, nevertheless when you do ascend a rank the ability grows more powerful and stronger.

The spiritual root also have another ability which was healing.

Not only that but another thing that's special about it was that if you were to sing or play a musical instrument and infuse your spiritual energy, you have the potential to heal or calm anyone nearby just from the soothing melody alone.

Since the spiritual root has settled in his body, the only thing Meilin had to do was to activate it and once he did his whole body will change once again to a more fairy-like appearance.

Looking back behind him to check if Ming'er was still asleep which thankfully he was, Meilin began to follow the memories of how to absorb Qi and start the process of awakening his spiritual roots.


Hours past by and the moon finally came out showing that it was finally night time, Meilin body began to glow and reform after activating the spiritual root, he first thought it will be painful but the only thing he felt was warmth overcoming him as tingly sensation ran across his body.

Suddenly right at that moment the figure on the bed who was first sleeping peacefully began to stir as he started to awake from his slumber.

As Ming woken up from his long peaceful nap, he started to rubbed his dazed eyes from their drowsiness, after regaining his sight he looked around only to notice his mama wasn't with him, panicking he got up off the bed and started to look around frantically with eyes glazing with tears.

As he walked towards the dining table trembling, their he spotted a bright light where a figure silhouette can be seen within.

Scared and confused he stood rooted on the spot as he waited for the light to subside.


5 minutes soon past and the once bright light dimmed slowly, there stood on the spot was a beautiful immortal being that looked just like celestial fairy.

Beautiful light green hair, tender milky skin that's soft to the touch, flush hue cheeks, eyelashes that flutter just like a butterfly, plump juicy cherry lips that makes one wants to suck and a beautiful curvy but slender body that looks so seductive, truly this was the most beautiful person Zhao Ming have ever seen, not just that, this was the very beautiful person he knew quite well.

"M-Mama?!" Ming called out as he stepped forward.

Instantly Meilin opened his eyes wide as he looked upon his little bun.

Immediately he ran up to Ming and picked the child up as he brought him to his embrace.

"Ahhh Ming'er is finally awake, mama was so bored," Meilin sulked as he rubbed his cheeks against the buns one forgetting about his previous actions.

"Mama looks like a fairy," Ming put both his hands on each of his mama's cheeks and gasp in surprise as he checked his mama face out.

"I awaken my spiritual root, of course, that's why mama looks different," Meilin laughed but to Ming, it was like a soothing melody.

Meilin knew his looks will now look different due to it cleansing out the impurities, though he wasn't covered in black substance like other cultivators once they cleanse out their impurities.

The reason was that his particular root purges the impurities out by air instead not into liquid.

Not only that but the goddess did note that from now on his looks will resemble more of a celestial fairy, even though he doesn't know how much of a change he looked right at the moment but seeing his child expression he could tell it was quite a lot.

Not only that but the goddess did note that from now on his looks will resemble more of a celestial fairy, even though he doesn't know how much of a change he looked right at the moment but seeing his child expression he could tell it was quite a lot

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Zhao Meilin

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