Chapter 1

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Waking up from his slumber, Meilin began blinking rapidly as he rubbed his tired eyes awake. He tried to look around his surroundings but all he saw was slight blurs and spots as his eyesight was still in a slight hazy daze, taking its well damn time to clear.

Currently Meilin was laying down in a crouched position, vigorously wiping his eyes hoping it will get stable soon.

Doing so for a couple of minutes until it went back to normal he than sat up in to a sitting position even though he was in his soul form, surprisingly he could still sit and move just like a typical normal human being not like what others say when you die you will float like a ghost.

"Hmm maybe we actually don't turn into a ghost," he thought to himself.

When he fully regain his eyesight, the first thing Meilin did was to observe his surroundings more clearly and truly once he did be couldn't help but unconsciously gasp in surprise upon the very view he was facing upon.

The place he was in right now felt so heavenly and spiritual, water was crystal blue as it flowed like waterfalls while the blossoms fully bloomed like it was in spring, the buildings were finely carved as it illuminated throughout the area, this place is what you truly call magical, heck it could possibly be heaven while we're at it.

Busy taking in his surroundings suddenly a sudden cough snap him out of it.

The sudden noise immediately attracted his attention as it quickly brought him back to the present.

Turning his head back to face the direction where the sound last came from there he spotted a girl who was walking towards his way.

Meilin analysed the girl from head to toe as she got closer and closer, she wore luxurious robes like what you see in Chinese drama and not only that she emitted a godly aura that felt truly mysterious and...divine.

She gazed at him intensely before sitting down in an elegant manner, as she sat only than did the sudden tranquil aura from before disappeared completely as she immediately clutched onto his arms sobbing?!!

Meilin didn't know what to feel at the moment but it was best to say he was feeling quite baffled.

What the heck, just a second ago she walked in like a goddess but now she's clinging onto him like a sobbing child, 'What the fuck.'


"Shuuu don't cry what's wrong?? Why are you crying? Especially where am I?" He comforted while questioning her, he felt rather puzzled about everything in general as he looked around his surroundings once again.

Calming down, the girl hiccup for a bit before pitifully looking at his face with teary eyes, " are in heaven at the moment, usually you will go to the judgement pavilion but I quickly brought you here,"

"Arghh why?" He said with confusion written all over his face.

"Well, haha about that...,"

"Yes...keep going" he waited patiently but for some reason, he got a bad feeling of what she was going to say next.

"Haha...ahhh...what happens if I told you, ahhhh....your death was an a-accident?" The girl mumbled as she fiddled with her fingers while taking a peak to see his reaction.

"WHAT," Meilin raised his voice instantly as he looked towards the girl with disbelief.

"Ahhh it was an accident, I wanted to see if I could touch the mountains through the orb and when I found out I could it was already too late, I accidentally pushed the mountains a tiny bit, only a smidge but who knew it will fully cause a landslide," the girl said pitifully, looking like a child confessing their wrong doings.

Honestly, Meilin didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the moment, "Ahh I knew I shouldn't have died young," he yelled as he felt very wronged.

"Aiyaaaa you can't blame me it was my first time I'll tell you, I only just got the job...,"she pouted dejectedly.

Looking at the childish girl, he at first thought was elegant, he truly didn't know what to say, sighing to himself all he could do was accept his fate.

After all what can he do?? His mortal body is currently underneath rubbles of earth and if he were to literally demand to be sent back, though he may go back to earth in his body but he will have to live his life forever being disabled.

'Ahhh my life so pitiful at the moment,' he sobbed inwardly to himself.

Redirecting his gaze back to the culprit responsible for his death, he then calmly spoke up, "Well, before we discuss any further who are you?"

He inquired with raised brows, Meilin kinda knew what her identity was but he just wanted to confirm it first, after all, he doesn't want to look stupid in front of someone he just met.

"Oh me, I'm just a goddess, " she said casually as she pointed at herself.

Hearing this his assumptions were right but why the heck is she acting so casual about it.

'Heaven must be filled with weird people, 'he thought to himself.

"So what's going to happen to me now since I'm basically dead, " he blankly stated.

"Well since it's my fault I'll take full responsibility and compensate you!! How does that sound, ha!" the goddess said in a proud tone as she flicked her nose in a manly manner.

*Sigh "Alright how?" Meilin helplessly sighed as he made himself comfortable on the spot.

"Well I can reincarnate you into any worlds of your choosing."

"Really? There are different worlds I can choose from??" he asked with interest.

"Of course there is!! Just because your planet has life doesn't mean there isn't others in the universe, they're just many light years away from your world." the goddess rolled her eyes as she supported her head on her right hand that was leaning against the table.

"Ahh, I see, " he nodded his head in understanding.

"Can you list some worlds I can choose from"

"Sure, there are magic worlds with mana, your original world if you want a plain life, werewolf world if your into bestiality, cultivat..." the goddess listed as she tap on her chin in a thinking manner, before she could finish the last word Meilin quickly interrupted her.

"I'll go to the cultivation world!!!" he said eagerly, he knew what she was going to say and knowing that it does exist, you could say Meilin was really thrilled.

He has read many cultivation novels when he lived in earth and if he was to choose between magic or cultivation, well hello cultivation it is.

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