Chapter 3

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"Before I start everything, I'm going to take my body BACK," was the last thing it said before it flew straight at him with a murderous aura that leak killing intent.

"Ahhhh, " Meilin couldn't help but screamed in fright as he instantly closed his eyes shut, scared out of his wits over the black fog coming his way.

His body tremble as it dreads the feeling of once again dying but he was more scared of dying by this paranormal wisp than getting crush by rubble earth.

Before anything could happen suddenly the black smoke or wisp whatever you may call it began to scream out loud in agony.

"Arghhh no don't take me! No I don't want to leave, I want my revenge," the black wisp eerily shouted as it struggled to free itself from the suction-like force that was pulling its soul back.

Opening his eyes right open as he felt up his body, Meilin was surprise he felt no pain or whatsoever. He quickly look over at the direction where the wisp was last screaming from, only to notice the goddess who caused his death was standing couple of step away from him holding onto some sort of white porcelain vase that was sucking the wisp in like a vacuum cleaner.

Dumbfounded and confused he just watch the scene that was playing out in front of him like a drama waiting to be unfold.

'Damn where's the popcorn when you needed it!'

"You!!! how could they let someone with a tainted soul rebirth. Arghh I'm gonna have a word with those stupid gods once I get back," the goddess huffed in irritation as she plugged the bottle closed in a harsh manner, glaring disdainfully at the vase that held such a tainted thing.

After doing so she then spotted Meilin, looking straight at his eyes, tears soon started prick and gather at the corner of her eyes, she cried pitifully like an innocent child. 'Wuuu another accident occurred..."

"I know, I can tell!!" Meilin irritating voice out, tone full of obvious annoyance. He did not let the goddess finish her sentence as he glared with narrowed eyes at her small frame. "What are you going to do now?!" he question helplessly as he slumped onto the bed.

"Hic...T-to tell you the truth I can't take your soul back as its already settled in the body but I can compensate you once again, " the goddess truthfully replied, wiping away the snot and tears.

"Honestly if you can't do anything about it...I understand......but how are you even going to compensate me anyways?!"

"Well since you're in someone else body you don't want others to be suspicious right???"

"Yeah...keep going, " Meilin flicks his sleeve, gesturing the goddess to keep going, though he may look annoyed like he finally had it with the goddess mistakes a glint of anticipation flash by his eyes.

"Alright how about this I can take the original host memories and insert them back into you and since this is a cultivation world by the looks of things......" she looked up and down at him as she scanned, "I can also grant you a new spiritual root and a divine treasure how about that!!"

"Though I don't know what a spiritual root is I guess it's going to be good, " Meilin said as he rubbed his chin.

"Well, the original body has a common spiritual root and in this world, spiritual root is highly regarded for cultivators. Though you don't know much about it now but once you receive the previous person memories you'll sure start to understand about this world history, "

"Alright but it that the compensation- right?!"

"Yup, I'll just repay you by giving you a better body and granting you a divine treasure but don't look down on this treasure as not everyone in this world can easily get it, " the goddess said as she pointed at him, to which he nodded in understanding.

*Sighs "Alright then......So how am I going to get the original's memories than?" Meilin looked at her earnestly.

"I'll extract them of course, " the goddess blatantly looked at him, giving the 'are you an idiot' face.

"Attitude much, " he said as he rolled his eyes.

"What did you say I couldn't hear properly...hmm," the goddess narrowed her eyes. perking her ears right up to his direction, daring for him to repeat what he said earlier.


"Good then, anyways would you like the memory first then the spiritual root second or do you want to receive them both at the same time, ' she inquired.

"Ahh, what's the difference??" Meilin questioned in confusion.

"You feel pain separately or you rather feel the pain all at once," she said with crossed arms as she waited for his answer, patiently.

"The second choice it is," he replied instantly as he rather feel the pain all at once then one at a time like taking turns.

"Alright then, if you say so~," she grinned before putting her hands on top of the vase extracting the memories, a golden orb soon floated above her right palm, a second one soon then appeared in a faint white colour beside the golden one.

Once she was done summoning the spiritual root she then walked towards his way, placing her palm on his forehead, gently she started to chant as the 2 glowing orbs slowly seeped through him bit by bit until it fully went in.

"Hmm doesn't seem to hurt for me-...arghhh, " Meilin started to groaned aloud as he writhed and rolled on the bed in pain.

The pain at first was just little pulses but only until later on did it started to increase in volume.

His head felt like needles jabbing and piercing into his brain slowly, over and over while his body felt like it was burning like it was on fire not only that it felt like his bones were getting smash into pieces as it then reforms again only to repeat the process all over again like a damn cycle.

The pain was just so intense it's like getting tortured alive with no way to die at all, truly it was physical and mental torture for anyone.

"When will this end, " was the last thing he muttered before finally passing out due to the overwhelming pain that was torturing him within.

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