Chapter 22

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Soaring through the skies for quite some time, Meilin eyes were closed the entire duration as he took in the feeling of the breeze brushing against his face while ears listening attentively to Ming's shouts of joys.

It was a moment of peace like this he truly enjoyed but it barely lasted a few hours when suddenly a high pitch scream was heard throughout the once tranquil forest ground, breaking through the used to be harmonious atmosphere of both human and beasts alike that were enjoying this moment of peace.

Shénshèng Sì abruptly halted to a stop still hovering in the air with stability, Meilin eyes shot wide open and in an instant snap his head over at the direction where the sound seems to appear from, his once smiling face was replaced with a look of worry and concern.

His heart started to race rapidly in nervousness and soon thoughts began surging through his mind with countless explanations of what the screams may be.

He was only snap out from it when he felt movement down below, quickly Meilin swept a glance where he spotted Ming who began to shuffle uncomfortably on the spot, hands tightly clutching and tugging onto his robe in complete reliance and support.

His son looks straight into his eyes with an expression of clear nervousness on his face, eyes reflecting many emotions that related to what he was currently feeling.

Patting the Bun head in reassurance, though Meilin had put on a calm front, in reality, he was battling an internal struggle with himself on what he shall do.

Should he just continued on and forget what just happen a moment ago or should he check on the situation of what was happening?!

Though conflicted Meilin just took the moment to look back and forth countless times to the direction of where the scream erupted from than to the direction of the Sect he was so close on arriving too.

He, of course, wanted to ignore and act like heard nothing from the beginning but as a child raise since young to help those who are in need, you could already tell where his mind was heading, especially the fact that it will be hard for him to ignore such a thing.

Meilin pinches the bridge of his nose, a hefty sigh escaping his lips, he finally came to a firm decision.

Shénshèng Sì who was first travelling straight instantly redirected and made a sharp turn bolting to the right as per his master willed, it began to pick up much more speed than how it was previously first travelling in.

Ming cocked his head to the side, tugging on his Mama robe with slight surprise and confusion. "Mama where are we going?"

The bun can't help but feel kinda confused at why they change directions on the whim, especially towards where those creepy eerily screams echoed out from.

"Ming'er listen. No matter what, always stay by my side and listen to what I say, okay? Mama wants to check on the people over there." Meilin had on a stern expression, his gaze
was full of seriousness that left Ming to hold on his tongue and nod in understanding.

Once Meilin was a few kilometres away from where the sound last heard from he notice a small clearing in the distance and what seem to be vague human-like figures loitering around, he couldn't confirm if they were human beings or not since they were a quite few distances away, it was only when he got nearer did he could finally confirm his suspicions.

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