Chapter 15

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Contemplating for quite a while, when Meilin finished his tea did he come to a firm decision, he will return back to the Sect where the original used to grow up in.

The reason why he even came upon this sudden idea in the first place? Well he thought that it was finally about time for his return back and he knows for sure that the original family must have truly missed him over the past 4 years of not seeing or keeping contact with one another.

When he recalled back the memories of the original he saw how much both father and brother spoil him rotten and cared for him.

You could see the love within their eyes as they treasured the original deeply, truly it brings one to envy, and he had to admit including himself.

Even though the original had such a wonderful and loving family not once did he cared or was grateful for it as he was just too blinded to notice.

Meilin couldn't help but let this thought frustrate him but still, he was quite thankful and content to know that he was lucky enough to be in a way 'kinda reborn' to this beautiful loving family.

Though once he does return back, Meilin can definitely agree with the fact that his now father and brother would be really happy to see him but he also knows for sure that not only would they feel happy but they would also feel another emotion...shock.

After all, he's not returning home alone but with a child, nonetheless his son.

Sighing to himself Meilin knew when he does see them he would have a lot of explaining to do but first and foremost he should really get used to accepting and calling them as his own father and brother from now on.

Finishing with his contemplation, the servants were about to leave when Meilin quickly told them to stop.

"Do you guys perhaps know what his highness is currently doing," Meilin questioned with interest though within he was quite annoyed while having the urge to rub his aching temples.

At first, the servants faced the consort with confusion but soon upon hearing the consorts question did they began to think of how to answer the consort inquiry.

Thinking deeply about what his highness schedule were, soon one of the servants quickly spoke up with the expression like he remembered something.

"This lowly one remembered that his highness was currently in the study going over some paperwork," the servant answered straightforwardly as he looked upon the consort face.

"Mmmh, if you guys aren't busy...uhm can you please escort me towards where his highness is."

"Of course Consort Zhao we lowly ones would be happy too," both servants replied in sync as they agree upon the consort request.

They were happy to do anything for this beauty before them but the main reason they even agree was too get more gossip material for there fellow comrades.

After all, they have heard about the commotion in the morning from the others and now getting asked by the consort who was wanting to see his highness, instantly they thought in their mind that he was going to cause a scene and tell his highness off.

Who would want to miss that!!!

Even with the consort change some couldn't help but be quite sceptical about it, thinking that the consort was just doing all of this for his highness attention and would eventually return back to his previous self if his act then failed.

Though some of the servants disagreed upon that accusations as they were already smitten by the consort change, the other half, well few couldn't help but stay cautious and think otherwise.

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