Chapter 11

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Sitting by the table beside the bed there sat Meilin who was busy retrieving his weapon from his interspatial ring, the weapon the goddess has compensated him with.

As he did what appeared out of thin air and plop onto his hand was a fan, it wasn't just an ordinary fan but his divine weapon first form.

His weapon was called the Shénshèng Sì, meaning divine four, it was called this name as it has four forms it can morph into.

In this world having a weapon that can transform were really rare though some high-class individuals have them due to family connections and influences but if you ended up with one you could consider yourself quite lucky but in this case, Meilin could consider himself extremely blessed as his weapon can not only transform into 2 forms but 4!

Though the downside with these divine weapons was that to become its master you will have to carefully integrate with them with your Spiritual Energy which the process can take hours or days since some weapons can be quite unwilling.

Not only that but if the weapon ended up rejecting you fully, it could cause a huge backlash to a cultivator resulting in internal injury or worse case in scenario damaging your cultivation base.

So even though divine weapons are majorly a cultivators dream weapon and are highly sorted 0ut in this world but with the end result can cause huge consequences either good or bad.

The other important information about a divine weapons is that some usually have their own consciousness, yup surprisingly enough.

It explains why some weapons don't just choose any cultivator to become their masters, the requirements with these one are that they only choose one that has good potential and quality spiritual roots.

And in this case, Meilin roots will likely be highly chosen by one.

Usually, for cultivators to find and own divine weapons, it's either by chance, family influence or from Grandmaster Cultivators tomb which can contain many highly prized treasures and artifacts.

If you think going into the tombs are easy, it's honestly not due to the traps and arrays the cultivators have laid there beforehand to keep outsiders away.

The tombs don't just usually appear and welcome anyone, no. These special places only appear and open at a certain time frame or every thousands of years this usually results into many Sects and rogue cultivators getting their disciples or themselves ready and thus exploring and treasure hunting throughout the tombs.

Sometimes the tombs can appear and open early depending if the arrays were losing its effect or if a Grandmaster has ordered for a time when their tomb shall open for all to seek but most will also lay some special condition on specific items or different parts of the tomb levels.

Anyways enough about that back to Meilin weapon.

Once Meilin integrates with his weapon he will be allowed to choose its 3 forms as the first form will always be a fan but nevertheless, he wasn't upset about it, in truth he actually likes it.

The fan was beautiful as it was in a deep shade of dark blue with a tint of black, there were beautiful white blossoms carving on the right side and in the middle laid a couple of beautiful colourful butterflies. They looked so lifelike to Meilin that he couldn't help but touch it in admiration.

Attach below was a soft black tassel made out of beast hair, the fan was made with such remarkable craftsmanship which truly brings one to envy the owner, not just that but the whole thing seems to be made out of some type of special metal as it was really sturdy even though it was quite light which really intrigued Meilin.

The fan in general was just his cup of tea.

While holding the fan suddenly Meilin felt soft movement emitting from it which caused him to be slightly surprise at first before he chuckled at the end, "Oh my, seems like you really want me to be your master, isn't it Shénshèng Sì," Meilin muttered softly, soon feeling it shake once more in reply.

Gently caressing it adoringly, he then began to start integrating it by slowly sending out his spiritual energy through it, carefully connecting and bonding it to become fully his.

Lucky for Meilin his cultivation base was still the same as the original which was Martial Monarch, Early stage.

Even though he was quite confused why but never less he was quite happy to be on a good cultivation stage even if it's the originals hard work.

What's more surprising enough to Meilin was that he still had the originals spiritual root that he was born with. Now that means he has duo spiritual roots in his body, though others can have it too, it was still quite a special thing in this world.

Heck if he was from a high influence family he would have been called a prodigy by now! Ah!

In the moment Meilin continued on bonding and interrogating his spiritual energy through the weapon, waiting patiently for the ritual to end.

Finally putting the weapon down as he wipe the sweat forming on his forehead Meilin finally finished the process of making this weapon his, the result was quite the feat as it only took him about an hour max to fully accomplish it.

The process seems quite slow to Meilin yet if others were to have seen or heard it they would rather say otherwise. Everyone in the world knows usually it could take up to 6 hours or 2 days max to fully bind a divine weapon to oneself but the reason it took rather instantly for Meilin was that because the weapon was rather willing for him to be its master.

So that explains why it went pretty well than expected.

Once done with the bonding process, Meilin then started with the choosing part which was deciding the 3 forms that it will permanently stay too.

Thinking seriously as he was deep in thought, Meilin didn't want to choose something abruptly, its a no go from him if it was something random that he can't use.

So only at the moment he will be patient and take his time on pondering and thinking deeply about this serious moment.

Not thinking rashly, he inhaled and exhaled slowly, taking this important time to still think something in mind. He put into mind constantly that this weapon will be staying with him for life so basically, he wanted the form to be something that will suit him and be useful for him in the future.

As time quickly passes did he finally came to a decision, hoping it will work Meilin than closed his eyes, he soon started to imagine the 2nd form he wants Shénshèng Sì to morph into.

Soon the fan on the table began to glow brightly as it slowly floated up in the air, it changed and morph plenty of times before the once bright light diminished and what appeared in front of him was a long beautiful sword.

Soon the fan on the table began to glow brightly as it slowly floated up in the air, it changed and morph plenty of times before the once bright light diminished and what appeared in front of him was a long beautiful sword

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Meilin weapon first form

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