Chapter 21

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After receiving the food he just ordered a moment not too long ago, Meilin and Ming then proceeded to eat.

Whilst finishing putting different type of dishes into his plate, Meilin for the past 15 minutes been trying his best to hand feed Ming after picking some small but chewable food easy for his bun to eat.

But as much to his dismay even though he tried his best being patient and feeding his boy to eat, the stubborn boy kept on with the same actions such as avoiding and moving his head whenever the chopstick approach either side of his lips, refusing to eat even a bit of the aromatic feast that laid before him.

Knowing the boy is persistent on the sulking act due to his trick in the morning Meilin could only shake his head in defeat and instead focused on trying his utmost best to appease his bun so he could eventually give in.

"Ming'er please eat. Mama is sorry for tricking you."

"Hmph!" Ming huffed and turned the other way once more.

"Come on Ming'er, mama is sorry. I had to do something since you wouldn't wake up at all, " Meilin whined pitifully.

"Nope. Mama shouldn't trick Ming'er like that at all!!" Ming scolded before turning the other way again with his nose pointed high up in the air.

"Well mama is sorry. It was only just a trick..."

"Mama I know it was a trick but..."

Meilin tilted his head quite puzzled. "But what?"

"Mama I-I was scared.."

"Huh? Why was Ming'er scared?" Meilin worriedly asked. He was both confused and a tiny bit surprised after hearing what his son just said. Why was his son taking the joke to heart? Was the only thing that floated in his mind, he carefully peek his ears up to  listen at what Ming got to say.

"I was scared of making mama sad that you will one day hate Ming again, " Ming turn his body towards his way but with his head facing downward dejectedly, only focusing on his two little legs and tightly clenched fists.

Left quite speechless for the moment at hearing such a reply, only to come face to face with Ming turmoil emotion flickering on his face. did Meilin immediately snap out of it.

With one swift pull, he brought the upset bun into his embrace as he began to plant loads of kisses all over his face while hugging quite tightly, though to Ming what he felt was only light pecks of fabric planted on him due to the veil covering half his mama face.

"I'm sorry Ming'er, Mama is sorry. I didn't know that's how you felt all along. Don't worry mama promise that he won't ever leave you! After all your my precious one and only child you know. How could I ever just leave you alone! I love you way too much to do that!" Meilin cooed softly with a voice full of love evident in his tone.

"Really mama?" Ming looked up tears automatically gathering at the corner of his eyes, he looked straight at his mother gaze to determine if what was said was true or not.

"Yes baby," Meilin reassured with an earnest and serious gaze. Not once he looked elsewhere as his gaze not once wavered even for a moment.

He knew his son was making sure for himself if his words were genuine or not.

All you could see was Ming continuing to look straight at his mama in the eye still analysing to see any other type of emotion. Only when Ming gave out a bright cheerful smile did Meilin knew the bun trust his words, he then proceeded to wipe the tears that were gathering at the corner of his son's eyes.

Sigh he could tell that deep down his baby still have some insecurities weighing in his heart but then again it was not his fault for feeling such emotions, after all, he never felt his mama love only until recently, pretty much it was kinda out of the blue.

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