Chapter 12

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Staring in awe at the weapon before him, Melin couldn't take his sight away from it not even a second as he continued to look on.

'Beautiful, ' was the only word that came into mind that best to describe this weapon of his.

Meilin began twisting his wrist to look at his sword in different angles, analysing while also admiring the craftsmanship that would of taken months and years for a Weapon Smith Master to craft. Thankfully he on the other hand got it done in an instant due to his weapon being a divine artifact.

The one-handed longsword appearance reminded Meilin of the bright stars in the dark night sky, it shone with brilliance as the blade colours were transitioning to a light blue eventually blending with a midnight blue.

The handle was made with a type of purple metal as it gleams beautifully under the moonlight while there were 2 violet tassels made from the hair of some beast which was placed at the end of both the handles side.

There was also little extra stones engrained uniquely on the handle just giving it the extra perfect touch.

Truly it was a beautiful sword, picking it up Meilin gave it a soft swing to test the weight of the weapon.

Only when he did the chair that stood at the opposite end of the table instantly split in half as it collapsed onto the floor accompanied by a loud bang at the end.

This left Meilin in a state of shock as he stared dumbly at the once perfect chair now in rubbles due to his careless act.

He didn't even swing the sword with much force, in fact, he just gave a casual flick, never did he thought that it could actually split an object in half, especially not even touching or cutting through it!!

Suddenly the bun on the bed who was sleeping peacefully began to stir.

Due to the sudden disturbance, Ming began to regain his consciousness from his slumber, "...Mm..sleepy," the little bun mumbled as he started to fidget on the bed.

Immediately Meilin put the sword back down gently, rushing in a quiet pace to Mings side, panic was clearly shown in his expression.

As he got beside the bed, he carefully patted Ming hair gently and started singing a soothing melody hoping to put the bun to sleep once more which thankfully it did.

When he was sure Ming was fully asleep, did Meilin then proceeded back to the table while wiping the nonexistent sweat on his forehead.

"Time for the 3rd form," he mumbled tirelessly to himself, soon he started to picture the 3rd weapon.

Closing his eyes once again, Meilin began picturing the third form of Shénshèng Sì and as he did, like the first transformation the weapon began to glow and transform once again.

Now what appeared on the table was two twin katanas that beautifully laid on top of each other in a X.

The reason why Meilin chose this for his third form even though his first was a sword was that he really admire how deadly a twin katana can get.

Just like the first and second form the katana was like the combination of both weapons as it was blue to purple in colour, with flowers and butterfly engrained on the scabbard.

There was also another tassel attached to the weapon in the shape of a butterfly, with two little blue fluffy Pom Pom looking things that laid right at the middle.

Picking up the twin katana Meilin couldn't help but love how light the weapon felt in his hand, though the first sword was light it was still a bit denser in comparison to the ones he was holding now.

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