Chapter 16

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After finishing packing, Meilin than waited for Ming to come back as the boy went to find something important he wanted to bring along.

As he was waiting for his son, a sudden idea pop into his mind in which he couldn't help but form a sly grin on his mouth as he dwelled on his thoughts, laughing quite evilly.

Skipping towards the writing desk in a cheerful mood he quickly looked around first before grabbing some paper, ink and a brush that he wanted to use.

Instead of pens and pencils in this world, people use some sort of ink stick or ink paste that's paired up with a brush to pick up the ink with to write lettering and such.

Though surprised with the writing materials nevertheless it was still similar to his past world tools, like paint brushes.

Once he grabbed what he needed, Meilin then walked towards the dining table and sat down with a plop, placing the paper, ink and brush onto the table, aligned next to each other.

Since the damn prince doesn't want to see him then he would just leave a bill of divorce, heh even though it was too good for him to even inform that arrogant bastard, still Meilin wanted to keep it safe as he doesn't want trouble to come and bite him back in the ass.

Plus if one day the prince was to ever use it against him that he 'apparently runaway' he could always just bring up the excuse of the bill of divorce he had written down and also how the prince didn't want to see him in the first place.

Even though he doesn't know if this world have such a thing like a divorce but right at the moment he couldn't really give a damn as he was too happy to finally leave this cage like place.

Smiling with a wide grin plastered on his face, Meilin cheerfully placed the paper in front of him before grinding the ink.

When the ink was ground enough he then grab the brush and with his unoccupied hand gripped and pulled onto his sleeve pushing it back before he finally started to write on the piece of paper.

Swishing the brush elegantly on the piece of parchment as he concentrated deeply into it, once he was finally done, Meilin set his brush aside and then wiped the nonexistent sweat on his forehead before lifting the paper up with both hands.

He couldn't help but hum in bliss at his beautiful masterpiece, truly he envies himself well why shouldn't he?

After all, they do say love yourself first before you love anyone else, so you could say Meilin god damn sure felt rather narcissistic right at the moment.

He gotta admit his writing was very neat and elegant that he couldn't help but be put into a daze.

While Meilin was in his very own world, he was only then snapped out of it when he suddenly felt a slight tug on his robe from down below.

Looking downwards towards the culprit, that's where he spotted Ming giving him a toothy grin while holding onto some ragged doll.

Placing the paper down, Meilin hurriedly went to pick up his son and placed him onto his lap.

"What's this Ming," Meilin question as he scrutinised the ragged old doll with slightly raised brows.

"It's my toy Mama, don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"This was the first doll mama gave me," Ming said joyfully as he hugged it tightly with happiness.

Hearing this Meilin immediately scurried through his memory so he could see when did the original gave such a thing.

Only then did he saw images of when the original bought this toy for Ming, the reason behind it was because since the prince took him and Ming out for the first time to the market he wanted to seem like a doting parent while also gain a favourable impression so quickly be went to buy Ming this doll obviously in front of the princes view.

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