Chapter 7

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"From this day forth I'll be known as Zhao Meilin, huh... " he muttered to himself, though as much he hates the fact that his in an evil person body, Meilin decided too just accept his fate.

What else can he do, he finally got a chance to live a second life and even though it's not what he exactly imagine well expected but at the end of the day, he was still alive and living.

Once he was done looking through the memories, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh, currently, Meilin transmigrated at the time when the prince will soon meet his love and the original son was currently 5 years old.

Thankfully he didn't come at the time where the consort started scheming or he would really puke out blood.

Knowing that he didn't come at a bad timeline, Meilin sighed once more before he fully took in his surrounding as he inspected closely.

Because he was busy with the goddess, the memories and the spiritual root, he didn't really have time to fully analyse the place he was residing in.

Currently, the room he was in was pretty antique and ancient, well that was expected as after all, it was a cultivation world nevertheless.

The furnishing was elegantly carved, engrained with gold, and the room was pretty big like a living room.

'This must be the original room,' he thought to himself as he gazed around slowly, taking everything in.

Since his now going to live his life as Zhao Meilin he will 100% not follow the original path, actions and personality unless he wants to court death but since he truly valued his second life, of course, he will not take the risk.

Thus on this very day Meilin swore to himself in this life he will live a fully happy and content life, like how he once did back in his original world.

He will not forget his father or anything just because he has a second chance in living but he will forever remember and cherish the meaningful words that his father once taught him.

Oh and about the originals revenge?

Well, Meilin damn sure knows that he won't ever continue it or take part, after all, it's not his business nor decision too.

Call him cold-hearted but Meilin believes that every action have consequences and he knows for sure that though the original may have died from a sword piercing his heart but he chose to scheme, he chose to neglect his son and he chose to do bad deeds, it was a path that led to his karma.

"Ahh even though you want revenge, I shall not continue. So let this young man burn some incense for you, that if in the next life you were to reborn I hope you will use your brain and become a good person instead...well, that's if you ever get out the clutches of the goddess first, " Meilin finish praying in his head before taking a look at the interspatial ring the goddess gave him.

Remembering what the goddess said about how to use it, he began to link his thoughts with the ring, upon doing so a storage like image popped into his head, he couldn't help but be amazed.

"If only earth had these, I swear I would fill it up with so much junk food and bring it everywhere with me, like what's a lunch box? I got an Interspatial ring bitch, " he joked to himself as he continued to ruffle through the ring.

The goddess was right about the ring space it was literally the size of a god damn house!!!

At first Meilin thought that she was overhyping the thing a little just to please him but to his surprise, she actually wasn't, she was just telling the truth.

Goddess: What overhyping, you little brat. ┻━┻ ︵ヽ('Д')ノ︵ ┻━┻

Searching through the ring, the goddess added so many things, what the heck does she mean by some!!

There were pills, Sword manuals, Cultivation manuals and sutras she gave him, not only that she also wrote him a note about his spiritual root and divine treasure.

As he was about to read the note a knock was heard from the door snapping him out his current state. "Who is it, " he asked as he abruptly stopped what he was doing.

"This lowly servant wishes to inform that Young Master wants to see Consort Zhao, " a voiced spoke out, seemingly to belong to a mere servant.

Hearing this Meilin stood frozen in his spot, wait isn't that the originals 5-year-old son?! Oh god, how can he forget the original left the kid to sleep on his own.

Gosh why does he have a goldfish memory span, he couldn't help but berate himself in his mind.

'Arghh how should I act, ' he nervously thought, he never had a son before and even though he was a preschool teacher dealing with little children but having your own was a different topic!

All Meilin felt right at the moment was his emotions clashing with one another as he deeply contemplated, bickering to himself in his thought only then did the servant's voice rang out once more, again snapping him out of his dilemma.

"Consort Zhao ??" the servant's voice out, tone filled with clear nervousness since he hasn't gotten a reply in turn.

"Yes, let him in, " Meilin finally ordered with a calm tone, he quickly fixed himself up hoping to look a bit more presentable before sitting up.

As the door open without much of a creak, a soft footstep can be heard entering the room taking quiet steps on the wooden floor board, the door eventually closed leaving only him and the one who came that stood still in front of the door.

What appeared in the light was a little figure who stood nervously on the spot with a trembling body.

Meilin sucked in a mouthful of air as his voice got caught in his throat.

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