Chapter 4

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Couple of hours have soon passed, did Meilin finally woke up as he regained back his consciousness.

As soon as he got up he instantly felt a sharp needle like pain all over his body as he tried his best to pick himself up from the bed only to feel more pain when he started to move around.

It was painful, the entire process was so tiring as when he finally regained back his consciousness it would end with him instantly blacking out again due to the overwhelming agony.

The whole damn process just went over and over again like a cycle, truly it was mentally exhausting for him to keep up.

Seriously the pain was just too painful for one to bear, he was sure that if it was to happen to other they will also have the same thought in mind like him.

But at the end he was thankful though that if he didn't do it at the same time imagine the pain he will have to feel separately, that was like double the torture so it was just better and more convenient for him to get it done and dusted in an instant rather than doing it later on.

As he rubbed his teary eyes a sudden voice than pierce his head, snapping him out of his current thoughts, "Ahh your finally awake."

The voice was all he knew to well, the very culprit that started this whole fiasco and dragged him in it.

"Goddess?" only then did he realise the goddess wasn't nowhere to be found in the room.

"Yup it's me, " the goddess said cheerfully.

"Where are you, " Meilin questioned as he struggled to get up.

"Back at heaven of course, "

"Oh, then how are you talking to me??"

"Mind link, " the goddess casually answered.

"So how are you feeling?" she questioned in concern.

"Painful but it's bearable now, " he answered weakly while trying his best to sit up which was successful at his third try.

"That's good well go on and look at your left ring finger. "

Doing what she told him to do, only then did Meilin spot an unfamiliar ring.

"What the..."

"Before you ask, it's the compensation I was talking about, " the goddess said as she cut through his sentence.

"Ahh but it's just a ring, " he replied in confusion as he openly scrutinised it while carefully analysing the marksmanship and design.

"Just bit your finger and drop your blood on it!!" the goddess yelled with annoyance lace in her tone, already over it when hearing Meilin's comment.

'Geez always asking questions, ' she thought to herself as she watch Meilin actions through her spiritual orb.

"Mm, alright then, " following the goddess order Meilin immediately began to bit onto his finger waiting for his blood to slowly seep out and gather.

Once there was enough blood that gathered on his wound he then dropped a tiny but perfect amount onto the ring just like the goddess instructed him too. As soon he did, once the blood dropped and landed perfectly onto the ring, did a sudden change soon began to occur.

The ring immediately sucked the blood into it like it was a thirsty beast wanting liquid to replenish its energy, it swirled the liquid around countless of times within the gem that was soon accompanied by a bright ray of light that started to shine brightly through out the room.

It only lasted for about a few minutes as it slowly subsided and dim down eventually turning the surrounding atmosphere back to normal.

Somewhat confused at what just happen the goddess then answered his questioning when she immediately started to speak up.

"This isn't any type of ring, this is an interspatial ring that allows you to store anything you want and to retrieve the item you stored in, you just have to use your will to summon it out. In this world, cultivators used this ring to store their goods inside but to do that first you have to drop your blood to become the owner of it," she informed patiently.

Looking at the ring, Meilin notices how it looked different from before.

When he didn't drop his blood previously it the ring looked a off silver and was quite dull in colour while the stones looked faded out only until now when he dropped some of his blood did it transform into a beautiful shining ring as the stones shined ocean blue, truly it was beautiful.

Admiring the ring for a while the goddess soon added another note, "Though I'll tell you now it's not easy to own them just like that as they are a rare treasure to find especially the one you got there, this particular ring is a special one. While other rings are the size of sheds your one right there, is the size of a house, so let me tell you boy your pretty lucky to have gotten it, well thanks to me of course" she cockily spoke.

Hearing this Meilin couldn't help but roll his eyes over the goddess attitude, truly how did she become a goddess anyway but oh well not his business to pry in to.

"Well I'm off, you should look through the memories now since they finally settled and also I added a few stuff inside the ring as a bonus but the real divine treasure is in there but if I was you it would be better to look through the memories first before you look through the ring last."

"Wait!! Before you leave was the original a rebirth person?!" Meilin questioned as he heard she said something along the lines when she sucked the wisp up in to the vase.

*Sighs "I'm not allowed to say much but to answer your questions, yes he is and if you're wondering why he rebirth...well all I can say is that he's done a bad deed. The memories you receive will tell you the rest."

"So that black wisp..."

"Yes that wisp that tried to attack you was the original owner soul trying to return back into his body, ' she quickly interrupted as she knew what he wanted to ask.

"Mmh I see, thank you, " he mumbled quietly as he thanked, mindlessly.

"Its okay anyways ta ta I'll be leaving hope we meet again one day, well probably never. Byeeeee~" was the goddess last words before cutting her mind link connection off with Meilin's leaving him to his own thoughts to dwell on.

Not hearing the voice anymore in his head, Meilin knew that the goddess has probably left already.

Remembering about what she advised him to do first about the memories of the original did he decided his first action to be was to fully analyse the memories that was given. He was fully hoping and praying to find out more information about his whereabouts and identity since at the moment he was basically a clueless lamb.

Only when he fully looked into the memories did Meilin truly felt like spewing out blood, like a bucket full of blood. His opinion of the original well......he was a 'PIECE OF SHIT!!'

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