Chapter 14

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Ming bawled as he rushed towards his mother direction through endless tears and snot that were streaming down his adorable face.

Seeing his precious baby crying Meilin immediately rush towards his side, spreading his arms out wide as Ming threw himself into his mother's embrace, bawling even louder.

Clutching onto the sobbing boy tightly as he sobbed into his neck, Meilin couldn't help but be overwhelmed with confusion and concern.

Who made his baby cry? Why was he even crying? And what got him upset in the first place?

He couldn't help but question in his thoughts as he tried his best to soothe the sobbing child.

Patting his baby back gently Meilin than directed his gaze towards the nervous servant who trembled on their spot.

"Tell me what happen," Meilin demanded as his voice turned stern and cold in an instant.

Hearing the sudden change of tone from the consort as he emitted a ferocious scary aura for the very first time, the 2 servants couldn't help but flinched on the spot as they quickly dropped down onto their knees in a trembling mess.

"C-Consort Zhao, young Master is crying b-because he happens to stumble upon his highness with a-another m-man," servant 1 stuttered terribly as sweat began to form on his forehead.

Hearing this Meilin then directed his gaze towards the second servant who's current condition looked quite the same as the first.

"Hmm...Is that right?" Meilin raised one brow as he spoke, wanting to confirm if that was the case.

"Y-Yes," the second servant answered honestly with his head still bowed down, too scared to look at the consort straight in the eye as he felt sweat build up between his butt crack.

Sighing to himself about the outcome, Meilin then stood up from the floor still holding onto a sobbing Ming who has quieted down quite a bit but still hiccuping here and there.

"You guys are dismissed," he flicked his sleeve as he walked away towards his bedroom without glancing at the two servants one bit.

Immediately the servants got up from the floor and bolted off like their butts were on fire.

It was the first for them for the consort to speak to them in that way and they couldn't help but tremble with fear as he emitted a threatening aura, truly consort Zhao was quite frightening when it comes to his young.

Thus they went back towards the servant quarters eager to share today's gossips with the others.

Walking towards his bed, Meilin took a seat at the edge before putting Ming down to face him.

"Mama...does papa h-hate us..." Ming questioned through his sobs as he looked up towards his mama with puffy red eyes.

"What makes you say that Ming'er?!"

"B-Because Papa is with someone else...he hasn't visited Ming at all and mama too!"

Meilin couldn't help but sigh after hearing his child explanation. How could he break it to his child that his papa and mama don't like each other, heck Meilin can sure confirm that doesn't have feelings towards such a man.

If he were to tell other people it will be easy news but to tell a small child especially Ming, oh god he knows this will be quite hard for his bun to take in.

Taking a deep breath, Meilin than face towards his bun wiping away the once streaming tears flowing down his chubby face again.

"Ming I honestly don't know how your father feels about us but....just remember Mama will always be here and love you."

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