Chapter 13

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It was early in the morning as the flowers bloom beautifully, the birds began humming cheerful tunes while the sun started to shine its bright rays across the far land brightening and warming the continent up.

There in the open pavilion beside the pond stood a small and tall figure, playing and having fun with one another as they enjoyed each other company while 2 servants stood at the side watching the scene in front of them with a smile plastered on their faces.

4 weeks have gone by since Meilin been in this world and he has been cultivating non-stop while also enjoying his time and moments with Ming.

While cultivating for the past few weeks, Meilin could confirm that he wasn't OP like those transmigrating protagonist in those type of novel in fact since he first started cultivating he has not even broken through and descend a level yet, not even one!

Sadly he was still at the Early stage of Martial Monarch.

*Sighs 'Soo pitiful~'

Though there was also quite happy news, since his arrival he has surprised many people within the palace due to his sudden change.

But nevertheless the servants around the palace eventually but slowly got used to his change of behaviour and continued to serve him more diligently than before.

Before the consort attitude towards them was quite a bad one as he always loved to scorn or looked upon them with disdain so obviously, it caused quite a few to have developed quite a negative emotion towards the original consort.

But since he took over the original body Meilin sudden change of temperament did slowly warmed up the servants by time thus leading them to develop an admiration for the beauty charms and wits.

That wasn't the only thing that happen for the past few weeks, surprisingly enough Meilin hasn't even encountered the prince nor his lover yet, though he didn't really mind as the prince wasn't much of a favourable person in his book anyways.

Even though he doesn't like the prince since he hasn't interacted with him personally, Meilin couldn't help but also dislike him.

Though the prince may not like the original in an affectionate way but nevertheless shouldn't you still care for your son?!

For the past few weeks not only has he not met the prince but even Ming hasn't met him neither, his very own father.

He could already tell the boy felt quite upset by that fact even though he appears cheerful and bubbly on the outside but to Meilin who notices every small detail about the little bun knows for sure that in Ming's mind he wanted a complete family.

After all his father hasn't really interacted or bonded with him since little and the only time he has even talked to Ming was when he was either checking on how his studies were going or to scold him when he creates trouble.

A child of his age, of course, wants the love and attention from both parents even though it may look a little to others eyes but to Ming, it would be worth so much more.

Sighing to himself over his thoughts Meilin than kissed Ming forehead and waved goodbye as the servant took the young prince back to study so he could begin his lectures with the other palace children.

Though Ming was quite reluctant to leave as he developed quite an attachment to his mom but nevertheless he eventually left with he servant at the end not before rushing back and giving a quick sloppy smooch to his mama's cheek.

"I love you and make sure to study diligently, Ming'er."

"I love you too mama hehe and I will~"

Giggling to himself Meilin wiped away the saliva residue on his cheeks left by a rather naughty cheeky bun.

He waved one last final goodbye to Ming who waved back in return with a goofy grin on his face while having 2 of his personal servants following behind a smile also plastered on their seeing their master so full of life.

Once Ming disappeared from his sight Meilin than returned back to his room and dismiss the following servant off, sitting on the table he then began to continue his previous activity, reading some cultivation manuals.

'Time to catch up on some studying!'
Happily he pick up the scroll, reading with a positive cheery attitude.

If one were to stumble upon this view they would definitely swear to heaven and earth that they could see flowers and sparkles blossoming around the Ger.

Definite heaven must be having favourites cause why is the light shining on the Ger like he was the gods and goddesses favourite child!

[Ahhh life is so unfair- Author-san *daps tear away from eyes before blowing disgustingly on the tissue]


Time soon passed by in the blink of an eye, it was currently in the mid-afternoon with the sun still shining brightly.

The bird's loud cheerful chorus slowly died down though there were a few chirps here and there but nevertheless it was quite peaceful day.

Sitting on the expensive wooden dining table with a slight arch back as drool began to slowly drip out the corner of his mouth. Meilin paid unmoving on the spot as he happen to fall asleep while reading.

His forehead lean against the cultivation manual that he was previously analysing, you could hear his slight breathing change as he inhaled and exhaled in a steady and even pace, truly he looked quite relaxed in his sleep.

Since Ming left Meilin in the early morning the consort has been reading non-stop while also munching on some snacks and tea from time to time, enjoying the tranquil peace he has for the moment before his cheeky bun comes back.

With the number of manuals and scrolls he's been reading from morning till now he couldn't help but to fall asleep since his drowsiness kicked.

You couldn't blame him though since he barely got anything to do for the entire day but cultivate, read, eat and take a dump.

Thus that's why he ended up falling asleep on the table for quite a while, well a few hours.

Deep into his slumber, Meilin who was smiling unconsciously from his wonderful dreams was then abruptly snapped out of it, he jolted in fright hurriedly wiping his drowsy eyelids before turning towards the sudden loud ruckus coming from outside his door.

All he heard was footsteps and wailing gradually becoming louder and louder as it approaches his way step by step in a rather fast pace.

His eyes instantly snapped open towards the entrance with clear annoyance laced within them but they soon turned to shock when the door immediately busted open with a bang due to the amount of force that it was push in.

What appeared at the entrance was a little figure who soon bolted towards his direction.

What rushed towards his way was a crying Ming who bawled loudly with 2 flushed and worried servants tailing right behind with nervousness written all over their faces.

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