Chapter 19

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Speed walking through the busiest part of the capital towards the quietest, Meilin passed through many different sights. From the most sketchiest areas to the most safest, you could say his surroundings was quite interesting to one's eye.

Currently, he was now weaving through the crowd like a snake making its escape not wanting to bump or trip onto any random strangers.

Meilin knew if he did, it would just cause some unnecessary delay to his fruitful journey, after all, there are some people in this world he was sure off that would like to cause drama out of the blue, just some people by the way not all.

It was just best for him and Ming to prevent any trouble for now since they've already created some chaos for the palace servants and soldiers who were currently sweating their ass off, scared about their punishment of losing the consort and his young highness.

'We're screwed,' the servants and soldiers all wept inwardly, hurriedly continuing on their fruitless path of searching the two whereabouts.


After half an hour journey by foot have passed did Meilin and Ming finally arrived at the destination they've been trying to get to since they began this escaping journey of theirs.

Thankfully he got some of the routes right though he still had to ask for help from fellow locals to direct him on the right path at times since it could get quite confusing.

What appeared before their sight was the very location they were happy to see, well more like him since Ming was currently in a confuse like state.

Reflected over their eyes was the image of the capitals stables.

How Meilin came upon this place at first or even thought about it? Well, it was probably a few weeks back when the palace carriage casually strolled through the Capital streets and happen to pass by the stables due to an incident that somehow occurred there.

Since he needed a breather out of the stronghold of being in the palace for quite some time he decided to call in the servants and guards to take him and Ming for a ride through the capital to explore and relax.

The servants and guards weren't suspicious at all since the original loves to go shopping and eating out all the time if he ever felt the urge to spend some money or sightsee.

So it honestly didn't really arouse much of suspicion when he suddenly asked them to head out towards the capital.

Somehow during there afternoon stroll when the carriage was strolling back to the palace they happen to pass through a certain area where a commotion soon happens to stir.

All they heard was shouting and berating of people up ahead and of course since Meilin was in a quite bored mood and wanting some good ass entertainment he ordered the guards to head towards the commotion, wanting to see what was going on.

So basically that's how he chance upon this exact location and since he and Ming were going to escape on the low, what wouldn't be perfect then to hire a carriage to blend in.

The reason why he even thought of heading here in the first place was to find a common beast carriage to hire since he thought it was better to start laying low now for the meanwhile rather than straight away using his sword or wings to fly, which will certainly attract others attention.

After all, he was here to escape not get caught straight away!

The only time Meilin would be using his wing or weapon would be when he and Ming is a certain distance away from the capital would he then be able to start using it, just to be safe from any prying eyes.

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