Chapter 2

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"Alright, cultivation world it is then," the goddess nodded happily.

"Woohooo!! " Meilin couldn't help but cheer in joy, jumping on the spot like a child with their hands high up in the air.

"Well before I send you to reincarnate is there any questions you want to ask," the goddess asked beforehand, carefully ruffling through some items to prepare the spell to send him to the chosen world.

"Ahh yes what do you mean by you just got the job?"

Instantly he snapped out of his cheering state, popping the question that was lingering within his thoughts a second ago.

*Sighs* " Originally I was just a goddess roaming around the land until my damn aunt called me back, saying she wants to retire and have me bloody take over her job as a gatekeeper to look after your world." She gnashed her teeth.

The goddess was sour about being shove into this job without her aunt even asking if she wanted to or not, helplessly she slump her body on her seat not caring if her actions didn't make her proper.

Screw etiquette!

"There's more gods and goddesses??" Meilin spat out in astonishment, who knew he would get more than he bargain for when he carefully listen to her talking about her life story and the bitter struggles.

"Yeah no shit, " the goddess cursed out not caring about her foul language and vulgar manners.

"Just between me and you, heaven is basically a place where gods or goddesses work to manage you, mortals, while the celestial realm is where we actually live, " she whispered in a hush tone, anxiously looking around her surrounding to see if anyone caught them before resuming back to the conversation in the clear.

"Ohh okay, " Meilin nod his head in a daze, taking in the information she was feeding him like he was jotting down notes for a tomorrow quiz.

The goddess gave him a quick glance before speaking out once more."Anyways...anything else??."

While waiting for him to answer she resume back into shuffling through a pile of papers and scrolls before finding the one she was looking for, quickly did she skim through the piece of note not bothered to check out thoroughly even if some words was hidden away in view due to being crumpled and folded.

"When you mean by reincarnate you mean I will be reborn as a baby again right, " he inquired slowly with a questioning tone.

Meilin felt bad questioning the goddess a lot of time but he can't help it. When he wonders about things he really do wonder. With his head coming up with theories and possibilities it was better to ask the goddess right before him who knew more then she look.

Plus he was especially those type who will find the answers to his questions, you gotta keep your knowledge quench after all!

Like a sponge absorbing liquid it was the same go for his brain.

"Yup that's basically it, " the goddess straightforwardly replied she wasn't really a person to lie or dismiss ones inquiries.

Ah what a humble being she is.

'Aunty should be blessed on having this sexy irresistible niece!'

Finding what she was looking for the goddess stood up with her hand holding onto a paper that looks like some sort of spell or maybe rune and proceeded down the halls, gesturing Meilin to follow along.

"Alright, that's all I wanted to know, " Meilin follow the goddess order and started tail along her.

Since they were not walking in a not so hurried pace Meilin just strolled like he was in a garden as he look around his surroundings with eyes full of curiosity and awe. He was quite astonish at how lavish the interior of the building look and also the fact that each and every display objects he passed seem quite fragile and rare.

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