Chapter 18

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Breathing out a sense of relief only then did Meilin returned his gaze back at the bun within his embrace, ready to explain about their current situation and their very next plan.

Feeling a warm gaze set upon him Ming lifted his head up, only to stare directly into his mother's gentle orbs that only has his small frame reflected over it.

Suddenly he began to break out into a wide smile, showing his pearly white teeth out of the blue. This sudden actions of his only caused his mama to blank in surprise for a few good seconds, eventually snapping out of it when he finally decided to speak up.

"Mama are we going to leave?" Ming asked a bit excitedly.

Hearing his son question brought Meilin in a stage of surprise and shock at first, to be honest he was quite taken back at the start but then as a few second pass by he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride bursting through out his chest spreading towards his every limbs and organs.

The reason? Well isn't he just lucky to be blessed with the most intelligent and especially the cutest little bun ever! His Ming'er senses must definitely come from him, he was hundred percent sure of it.

'Ahh~ My Ming'er is so smart, ' he smugly thought to himself, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

Puffing his chest out like a peacock full of pride with his feathers in full bloom, Meilin then replied back to Ming with a voice lace full of doting.

"Yes, we are. My-my Ming'er knows mama too well. Don't cha," Meilin cheekily grinned, winking as he quickly found the perfect opportunity to once again pinch the buns cheek, who of course only pouted in return over the sudden action.

"Mama! Not again," Ming sulked loudly while rubbing his slightly swollen cheek, playfully glaring at the culprit who was very much responsible for it.

Though he was annoyed by that sudden gesture but he also couldn't help but smile behind his hand as he watches his mother having a belly full of laughter and just in a happy, joyful mood.

You could say Ming was quite happy himself too knowing that this little act of his could bring his mama to a fit of laughter.

In Ming's eyes his mama was the most beautiful when he smiles, he doesn't know who or why was the cause of his mama change but he was just happy to finally feel a mothers love.

"Yes, yes, Mama is sorry baby," Meilin wiped the tears from the edge of his eyes after laughing for quite a while, coughing awkwardly here and there as he tries his best to stop the oncoming laughter that's wanting to burst out again but thankfully he suppressed them.

Tightly holding Ming closely to himself Meilin casually power walked towards the corner of some store, glancing here and there casually as pretend he was finding somewhere to rest or stuff to purchase. Only when he felt the gazes that were set on him previously turned elsewhere did he quickly slipped around the corner, luckily avoiding the many wondering eyes that were set upon him since the start.

Breathing out a sense of release he then turned around as he fastens his pace, walking swiftly towards an ally way he saw a moment ago.

He chose to head to that particular area as it looked quite dark and quiet in which he guessed and hoped that there wouldn't be a hair in sight once he arrives there.

Only once when Meilin arrived at the dimly lighted ally way and knowing him and Ming was finally alone did he quickly set Ming down for a few minutes as he hurriedly retrieved some clothing out of the interspatial ring that he personally packed previously for to use when they were both finally alone.

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