Chapter 10

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Sitting down on the dining table to eat, the servants couldn't help but take sneaky glances at the beauty sitting elegantly on the seat that was currently playing happily with their young master.

They all tried their very best to contain their shock while placing many dishes of food swiftly onto the table.

"Thank you," Meilin gave them a blossoming smile, this caused the servants to feel like their jaw drop to the ground as they quickly tried to calm themselves while feeling arrows stabbing their gentle hearts.

When has the consort cared about young master? What's with the consort change of temperament and why the heck does the consort look like a beauty?! So many similar thoughts ran through there mind that they couldn't help but feel an oncoming headache coming their way.

At first, they thought it was a stranger in the consort room and was about to call for the guards until they saw their young master jumping into the beauty arm calling out mama.

Hearing this made all the servants really dumbfounded and bewildered, so the beauty they thought was an intruder turned out to be the Consort they've been serving for 4 years!

Oh god too much was going on in one day for them, way too much.

First was the consort attitude towards his son, the second was the consort gentle temperament and thirdly the consort who was a beauty turned even more into a big beauty, heck more like a celestial fairy.

'Aiya I need a holiday,' they all groaned inwardly.

While the servants were in their own fantasy world, Meilin, on the other hand, giggled and played with Ming.

Truly he doesn't understand why the original hated the little bun because to him Ming was just the most adorable and lovable child he ever met.

Honestly, even though Meilin only been here for a day he was really happy that he gets to be the father, well more like a mother to this lovable boy.

While the servants stood at the side watching the pair of Mama and son they all felt that the atmosphere between the both of them was sweet and heartwarming, causing them all to break into a smile continue watching on the sidelines.

It was a first for them to see their young master all lively and cheerful since before he will usually always be gloomy or depressed.

"Ahh Ming'er let mama feed you," Meilin said, taking the spoon from the table ready to feed him.

"Yes, mama!" Ming cheerfully grinned, showing his pearly white teeth in a joyful mood.

Getting fed by his mama was like another wish coming true, it caused Ming to be overwhelmed with full of happiness, happily he munching on the food with content.

He truly felt like a spoiled child drowning in his mother warmth and love.

Finally after years of craving and trying to get his mother attention he finally gets to experience what most children have experience around his age, a mothers love.

Happily kicking his feet as he was spoon-fed by his mama, Meilin couldn't help but gaze at the bun with gentleness and love as he wipes and fed the boy up, hoping he will get plumped up soon as he noticed previously the boy looked too skinny when he hugged him and of course that's not good in Meilin book.

Once they were done eating both Meilin and Ming went off to take a bath, on the way Meilin noticed the servants was following after him so with that he flicked his sleeves, waving them off to dismiss them.

Honestly, he didn't feel comfortable having people staring at his body and washing him, after all, he was from the 21st century where you do things for yourself so of course he will not lose this natural habit and become lazy.

"It's fine I can wash myself and my son, there's no need for anyone to help, " as he said that he went off and picked up Ming to go shower with the help of the original's memories.

While Meilin left, there stood the servants in shock once again as they stood rooted on the spot, not only did the consort change his temperament but his now doing things himself!

Oh my shock after shock came crashing onto them, they all couldn't help but stumble out the way as they quickly went back to finish their chores, hoping that once they are done with their shift they will hurry gossip to the other servants in the palace about the big news.

Finish showering Meilin quickly got himself and Ming dressed as he put the bud to sleep.

"Mama....can you sing me a song please," Ming pleaded as he snuggled into the blankets.

"Of course my little bun," Ming smiled as he gently taps on Ming's nose with a gentle gaze.

Coughing to clear his voice, Meilin began to sing. The nursery rhyme he was about to sing was one of his favourites and most cherishing one, it was the rhyme his dad in his previous world will always sing to him to put him to sleep.

Hush little bun, don't say a word

Momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird don't sing

Momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass

Momma's gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke

Momma's gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat don't pull

While Meilin was singing, Ming couldn't help but drift slowly to sleep, he felt his mother singing had a special calming effect on him, it was like a warm and protective energy surrounding him whole, rocking him to sleep while also reminding him he was in the safety of his mother's presence.

Ming wasn't the only one who felt a type of feeling soothing him, the servants nearby also felt something when they listened to the consort singing, feeling a sense of spiritual healing affect overcoming them while they listen attentively of the soothing foreign melody that flow like a gentle river into their ears.

Momma's gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turns over

Momma's gonna buy you a dog named Rover
And if that dog Rover don't bark

Momma's gonna buy you a horse and cart
If that horse and cart fall down
You still be the sweetest little bun in town

So hush little bun don't cry cause
Cause momma loves you and forever do...

Sleeping peacefully sound asleep, Meilin smiled warmly as he quietly whispered, "Goodnight my little bun. "

Giving Ming a peck on the forehead, he then tucked the bun in gently so he could be all warm and snuggled up.

Before going to sleep Meilin walked towards the table nearby and sat, continuing to where he left off too which was summoning and checking out the Divine Weapon from his interspacial ring.

Was he excited or was he scared, well to put it simply he would choose the first option but that doesn't sound quite enticing doesn't it?

Let's just say he was elated to finally see what his gifted divine weapon is.

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