Chapter 24

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"Who knew that the senior who save us was the youngest son of Elder Zhao all along! I wonder why the family name sounds so damn familiar! Hey, WeiSheng you must be surprised as I am, right?!"

Li YongLiang question, he didn't even wait for an answer as he continues to blabber on and on about today's event. He skips along the pathway up ahead leaving Zhu WeiSheng far off behind.

Zhu Weisheng didn't mind that his best friend left him behind in fact, the entire time he was ignoring this so-called best friend of his, whatever was said only went past the other end as his entire focus was on his current mundane thoughts.

He had a feeling all along that Zhao Meilin identity wasn't that simple, but even so, he still hopes for the kind ger to acknowledge him or even speak a few words of care.

But it was understandable that the ger didn't since he distance himself in the first place due to his inferior complex.

It was only when coming back from the Sect fighting the entire way with his internal emotions, did Zhu Weisheng finally found a bit of courage to speak up, but as he was about to he was only to be hit with another stumbling block to his path.

Zhao Meilin true identity.

Ha, the so-called courage he had at that moment immediately vanish.

It was like the world was going against him, telling him he would never be able to make a come up and that he would forever be a nameless person on the side that no one would ever care to acknowledge as an equal.

If only he had a better physique if only his level didn't reach a bottleneck that seems like it would never advance due to the past few years of trying so hard, which only left him with the same results.

Weisheng doesn't understand at all, how come before when he started his journey of being a cultivator he could feel the energy around him, it was only when he hit a certain level, that the once feelings of overwhelming power that use to surge within him disappear without a trace.

Every time he would try to re-accumulate it, it will only disappear halfway.

He can't comprehend why or what his doing wrong at all nothing seems to be working, nothing!

Weisheng abruptly stops in his tracks, head lowered in deep thoughts, with his hair covering his downcast facial features, his hand balled into a tight fist.

He hates it, he hates those who look down on him, he hates his negative depressing thoughts and what he hates the most was... why couldn't he just mutter his name to him?

Closing his eyes, what he could still remember was the scene of Zhao Meilin back walking off, his back and flowing green locks swaying gently side to side, drifting further and further away from his reach.

Until the ger figure disappeared from his thoughts is when Zhu Weisheng abruptly open his eyes. Feeling a slight stinging sensation coming from his palm did he finally snap out his thoughts, lowering his gaze.

What he saw was blood, slowly seeping between every tiny crevice on his skin. Who cause these wounds in the first place was himself, as he unknowingly dug his nails into his skin when he thought of Zhao Meilin disappearing figure.

Honestly, he wasn't in love with the Senior. in-fact it was more along the lines of admiration, after feeling the power Zhao Meilin had used to take down the beast to help them, Zhu Weisheng could already guess that it wasn't even 1/2 of Zhao Meilin full strength.

He wanted to be like him, he wanted to be powerful yet also righteous but to an extent. You can be kind but not too kind to the point one could easily take advantage of you or making a decision without the logic of common sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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