Chapter 23

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"Greetings honourable senior. This one name is Li Yongliang, a fellow disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Is there anyways I could express my gratitude for senior selfless action!"

Zhao Meilin turns to the side, setting his gaze directly at the boy who stood up.

The boy happens to be the delicate disciple, he, in fact, pass Zhao Ming over too a moment ago. Since he couldn't analyse the others features properly Meilin now took his time to do just that.

He debated in mind while looking closely if his previous decisions were completely reckless or not.

"Definitely no bad vibe. Damn my intuition was sure damn right on the spot, " Melin nod his head in satisfaction, he was sure please to hit right on the mark.

Li Yongliang didn't seem like the type of pretty boy who loves to flaunt his status of being in a well-known Sect, maybe if it was someone else it will certainly feel like that since there are those minority few with either noble or high-status backgrounds that like to boast about.

But looking at the boy in front of him who seems to be a Ger also, Meilin knew it was more of an honest gesture of formality and introducing once's self.

Li Yongliang who spoke up felt eternally grateful for the mysterious veiled senior who saved the day. He didn't want to think about what would've happened if it wasn't for his interference.

He can't help but blame himself for the situation, if he hadn't forgotten to bring the emergency talisman his master had given him he could've prevented all the injuries Weisheng and the others received.

If only he wasn't a cluts and a forgetful child! Damn!

Li Yongliang definitely blames himself for the situation, but rather than berating himself at the moment he chose to do it later on since now he sincerely wants to show the veiled senior his utmost gratitude.

Unexpectedly Yongliang next move caught Meilin by surprise as the boy kowtow deeply with cupped hands, earnestly not just showing his thanks and respect verbally but physically also.

Still, Li Yongliang continued on uttering out his thanks to the mysterious senior before him, he was always told to learn how to defend yourself and help your brothers and sisters when it comes to time of trouble.

After all, this was a world where the strong rule, so it was known for people to mind their own business and leave one to their own demise.

But no, instead of doing that the senior before them instead ended up coming to their aid not caring about the fact they were strangers or not.

The other disciples too immediately followed suit after his actions, a bit over-exaggerated since they were bowing countless of times with their mouths spouting nonstop.

You really can't blame them though, after all, they were just really thankful to still be alive, head and body still intact.

"Ah— no really, It's okay! It was my decision to help in the first place! So there's no need in paying me back! Plus you shielded my son from the oncoming attacks and you only just met him. So it should be I who should be grateful in return."

Meilin quickly ushered bashfully, his hands frantically waving off the others gratitude in a complete flush state.


"Don't worry let's just call it even!"

Not caring about the other reluctant gaze Meilin pondered in his mind before slapping his forehead with a soft smack, surprising those around him.

How could he forget that he hasn't introduced himself yet when the others did! Quickly Meilin begins to do just that.

"Where are my manners I haven't introduce myself quite yet! My name is Zhao Meilin and this little cutie pie right here is my son, Zhao Ming."

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