Chapter 6

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Currently Meilin was now in the body of someone named Zhao Meilin, coincidently they both actually have the same first name but not last.

The original Meilin personality was not all that great as he was highly selfish, arrogant and self-centred.

Not only that but the original was also an individual hungry for power and treats others like their below him.

His dad was known as Zhao Jin Shen who is one of the Masters at a well-known Sect called Heavenly Sword Sect, he also had an older brother named Zhao JunJie who was also well known and famous within the Sect and other Sects.

They both doted on him excessively as he was their little bun but the original who was too ignorant about it, only treated them like shit eventually at one point he started to find them sick in the head just because they love him too much.

Obviously he didn't get through his head that they just love him to bits.

The original wasn't that much of a genius unlike his brother and father he only had basic spiritual roots which are the typical common one called fire.

But because he was one of the Sect elders child he acted as he pleases thinking he was top shit.

'Arrogant I know.'

But what was more surprising for Meilin to take in was the fact the original had a son!!! Not just that but his son was neglected for the past few years and is about 5 years old...

What the fuck!!!!

The day when his son was born the original was only about 17 years old, he made the servants care for the little bun instead as he slept all day in his room before once recovering going our constantly to spend and play.

Seeing through the memories Meilin felt very saddened, all the images in his head was a child who gets hit over a trivial matter and eyes only wanting love from his mother, that's all the baby ever wanted but did he get it?

No, he didn't the original just didn't care as he was a true definition of a piece of fucken shit!!!

How could you treat a child like that especially he was just 5! You can't just have a kid and chuck it aside only to come back and use them to gain someone's love that is freaking stupid.

All Meilin felt right at the moment was anger, he was angry about how the original schemed to get to places, he was angry how he treated others and he was especially angry that he neglected his own child, his own blood.

You don't understand how sadden and angry Meilin was, he loved children.

He always wanted one of his own and now finding out the original body had one but just neglected the poor child you could just imagine how he was feeling right now.

The father of the child was named Wang Jin Chen, he was currently now 24 years of age and the fourth prince of the Wang Empire who is ruled by Emperor Wang Qiang Song.

The original was head over hills for Prince Wang Jin Chen who was at the time 19 years of age and he would do literally anything to grab and get this mans attention.

He met the prince by coincidence while on his trip visiting the Wang Empire, he came across the man at some restaurant he was currently dining at and since then he was instantly hooked.

Though the other main reason he even liked the prince in the first place was mainly caused of the prince handsome looks and important background.

But did the prince return his feelings?

Well, the answer is a no, even though he was pregnant with the prince child the prince still didn't develop any feelings for the original.

In fact how the original Meilin got pregnant in the first place was actually by when the prince was somehow drugged by an aphrodisiac and he somehow happened to pass by.

Seeing that this was a perfect opportunity instead of taking the man to get checked by a doctor the original instead took the prince to an inn which led one thing to another both party making love since that was one of the cures to dispel the prince drug.

When the prince woke up the next morning to only spot the original beside him, he instantly jump to conclusion as he thought that he had somehow raped the boy but in fact that was far from the truth.

It was more like the original was the one to take advantage instead but since he never knew of the truth he wanted to make it up for the original thus he took the boy as a consort, that's right not wife just a consort instead!

Though the original was displease he just went with the flow at the end as he thought he could always scheme in the future to get the wife position.

Since then he has not once informed his father or brother of him becoming a prince consort or being pregnant as he didn't want 'crazy' people into his life so he just wrote them a simple letter stating that he doesn't want to come back to the sect and is going to roam the continent as a rogue cultivator.

Unknowingly to him once his father and brother got ahold of the letter and read through it they were instantly filled with grief and concern.

They ended up taking a break from the Sect as they began to go and locate him back but to no avail returned back to the Sect empty handed as they couldn't find nor get a clue of his whereabouts since the original covered up his tracks way too well.

The original not only cut ties with his family but he also kept his identity hidden from everyone including the Prince, it was mainly due to the reason that he didn't want anyone to find out who he was just in case they reported back to his father about his location.

Since that was the case the prince guessed that the original must of been just a rogue cultivator travelling the continent and nothing more.

Even when he ask his hidden guards to dig up his background the will only be brought to a dead end, so with that, the prince eventually left it be.

Though the prince took the boy as a consort not once has he slept in the same bed or done night activities with the original ever since the incident.

In truth ever since meeting him the prince never liked the original Meilin attitude, his first impression of the boy when he first caught a glimpse of him was that he was an individual that looked power hungry as in the original eyes all that could be seen was greed lingering within.

Though the prince felt guilty about what happened, he always felt a bit suspicious about the outcome but nevertheless, without any evidence, he couldn't prove if it was really the drugs or the originals doing.

As Meilin went through the memories thoroughly he couldn't help but feel his mood plummeting slowly...

Sighing to himself now he knew why the original was killed.

Because the prince ended up meeting someone he loved, the original felt jealousy and anger bubbling within him as he finds out. Knowing that the prince will make his lover take the wife position soon taking up the empress position in the future the original wasn't at all happy with that thought so thus began all his scheming.

Since the original son was born he never felt an ounce of connection for the child as on his mind he only felt that his son was born to be his tool to get to places, a tool to finally get the main wife position, he wasn't just content with what he had.

He wanted more, he wanted to take the main wife position, he wanted the most admired prince loves, everyone's adoration and maybe one day becoming Empress.

All he cared about was status, power and everyone's adoration, truly Meilin opinion about the original was that he was a very evil and cruel person.

Evil to the core and evil to the bones, he was simply hateful.

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