Diy nail polish💅

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Method 1:
❁Pick an eyeshadow in the color of your choice. Make sure it's one you don't use though.
❁Scrape eyeshadow put of container into a zip lock bag.
❁Crush the eyeshadow in the bag to get rid of clumps.
❁Cut a hole in the corner of the bag and dump into a clear nail polish. Do it carefully though. You might have to use a funnel.
❁Shake the bottle until mixed.
❁Now you have a nail polish you customized from old eyeshadow.

Method 2:
❁Choose at least two nail polishes.
❁Put a small amount of one polish in a plastic cup.
❁Add a small amount of the next polish.
❁Stir together with a toothpick until mixed.
❁Add new polish in an empty nail polish bottle or dump and clean a old nail polish you don't use and add it in there.
Now you're done, hope you enjoyed!

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