Chapter 4

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Vanessa's POV

We took our orders, as Cami and I found a table. I caught Mads constantly staring at me, I didn't know why. I looked so nervous to the point that Cami eventually spoke up.

"Hey..are you okay?" she asked me.

I nodded slowly. "Okay..well I'm gonna go help Lili get the food. Lemme know if you need anything," she said. I smiled at her as she got up. As she left, the red head suddenly came and sat down across from me. It caught me off guard and I began to blush like crazy as she smiled at me.

"Hey!" she said. I'm opened my mouth to say something but I struggled to find words.

"Hi," I smiled. She sat up quickly, surprised that I even said something.

"So you're the Vanessa?" she laughed. I arched my eyebrow, smiling.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I mean..besides work and her love're all Cami ever talks about," Mads smiled.

"Is that so?" I laughed.

She nodded. "How long have you two been friends?" she asked.

"We met in college"

"Oh that's cool!" she smiled. I nodded shyly.

"I hear that you're an actress?" Mads asked, placing her chin in one of her hands.

I shook my head. "No..not really. I'm kinda giving up on that. Cami has been trying to get me to audition for the role of 'Josie' on that show called Riverdale. But I don't think I will," I shrugged.

Her eyes widened. "Oh my god. You have to audition! I am too, but for the role as 'Cheryl'. But, we should audition together!" she exclaimed.

I smiled faintly. "Wait is that how you two met?" I asked, referring to Cami. She shook her head.

"No, we met through some of our other friends. But Lili and Cami met through acting," she said.

"Hellooo girls," Cami said sitting down. Lili passed us our coffees and handed Mads the donut she had ordered.

"Here's your vegan donut," Lili smiled.

"Yay!" Mads said, taking it.

"You're vegan?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Are you?"

"Yup!" I smiled. Her eyes widened and she turned to Lili, Cami, and then back to me.

"Oh my god. I need to take you to Veggie Grill!" she said excitedly.

"Veggie what?" I laughed.

"It's a vegan restaurant that she's obsessed with," Cami said rolling her eyes.

"It's amazing," Mads said taking a bite into her donut. As the four of us began to talk, I felt my nerves ease around Mads. I still don't even know why I got all worked up and nervous around her at first. She wasn't intimidating or rude. I decided I would question those thoughts later.

Lili's phone began to buzz. She pulled it out of her pocket to see who was calling her.

"Sorry it's my boyfriend Cole," she said getting up. She walked outside to take the call.

"Be right back guys. I'm gonna go get napkins," Cami said standing up and walking away. Now it was just Mads and I. I turned my attention back to her and smiled.

" you mind if I get your number?" she asked nervously. I nodded and blushed. We exchanged numbers before Cami came back, taking her seat next to me. She turned to me, smirking.

"So how are you and Michael?" she smiled.

I shuddered at the sound of his name. Michael and I were definitely not on good terms. Matter a fact, we weren't even together anymore. But, obviously this was the one topic where Cami liked to push my buttons.

"I am not talking about him Cami," I said quietly.

"Who's Michael?" Mads asked sitting up straight.

"Oh just her boyfriend," Cami said winking at me. I glared at her and shook my head.

"What are you all talking about?" Lili asked, coming back in and sitting down.

"Nothing," I said. I looked down, crossing my arms. I didn't want to talk about him. Like at all. Just the thought of him put me in a bad mood.

"We're talking about Vanessa's boyfriend," Cami whispered to them.

"Stop it Cami," I said, my voice sounding more serious now. But, Cami didn't notice. I was trying to control myself from getting too angry. But, this topic always made me uncomfortable and angry.

"Oooo is he cute?" Lili asked sipping on her coffee.

Cami nodded. She began to talk about Michael, obviously now making me angry. But, this was classic Camila. She always did annoying things like this. But, I was used to it. I just didn't know why it was making me so angry now.

"Cami..come on..stop it," Mads said quietly. Cami rolled her eyes and sat against her seat, shrugging. I mean I shouldn't be mad at her. I haven't been very clear about what happened between Michael and I. I didn't tell her that he was a jerk. I didn't tell her that he treated me like shit. I didn't tell her the reason why I came to LA was to get away from him. She just thought we were on a 'small break'. Little did she know, we were over. But, I would never tell her that because she would destroy his ass and I didn't need that extra drama right now.

We eventually finished our coffee and pastries and left. We walked outside, the warm wind hitting our faces.

"Okay well..we should probably get going. It was nice meeting you Vanessa!" Lili said, pulling me in for a hug. I hugged her back.

"It was nice meeting you too!"

I turned my attention to Mads. Her face was practically glowing of happiness, making my heart melt.

"It was nice meeting you Nessa," she said. Nessa. She said my name perfectly.

"It was nice meeting you too Mads," I looked up at her perfect eyes. She pulled me in for hug, and I felt my legs go weak. Her sweet embrace made me feel safe, as she wrapped me up in her arms. She smelled of sweet vanilla and she felt warm. And just when I thought I couldn't get any more flustered, she whispered into my ear.

"Text me later," she whispered softly.

We let go of each other and I nodded at her, smiling. We said our final goodbyes as Mads and Lili walked off to their car. I turned to look back at the redhead one last time, her hair bouncing against her shoulders as she walked away.

"Come on V..let's go," Cami said smiling at me. I turned back to her and nodded, walking back to her car.

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