Chapter 20

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Madelaine's POV

It was now 6:00 PM when we finally got back to the house and Cami decided to tell me her "master plan".

"Okay..first I'm getting you flowers and a dress..and I'm doing your makeup," she smiled.

"Wait what? Why?"

" wanna look cute when you tell Vanessa about how you feel."

"But..what if she doesn't feel the same way. Cami..that would be so awkward."

"I know..but something tells me you're gonna be happy with the end result," she winked.

I raised my eyebrow. "And what makes you so sure?"

"Just a feeling."

"Mhm okay."

"So I'll set it up to where everyone else is distracted inside and I'll bring Vanessa out to the pool and leave her there and we'll switch places. You'll walk out to the pool and sit with her..and then you'll confess your feelings to your soulmate," she smiled.

"This sounds like a great plan..but I'm really nerv-"

"Oh my god Madelaine. I'm sick of this. Just fucking tell her already! I'm sorry but if you don't tell her..Charles is gonna snatch her up hella quick so you better make up your mind."

I nodded. "Okay..I'm just gonna go to bed now and I try and prepare myself."

"Don't stress, okay? I'll be with you every step of the way," she gave me a hug and let me go upstairs to my room. I entered the room to see Vanessa cuddled up in the bed. I smiled, climbing into the bed with her. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Hi," she said tiredly.

"Hi," I smiled back. I felt my cheeks burn as she laced her fingers in mine.

"You look really beautiful," she grinned.

" do too," I automatically started blushing. She stared at me for a moment and smiled.

"You're cute when you blush," she winked.

Damn. She was on a role.

"Save the flirting for Charles," I joked. She nervously laughed and looked down.

"Yeah..I don't know what's going on there," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just..Charles is great. He's nice, caring, funny..but I just don't really feel anything with him."

"Oh," I said. But, on the inside I wasn't saying oh. I was saying fuck yes!

"Well..I'm gonna go to bed," she sighed. I smiled at her sympathetically. I knew she was hiding something else but she was tired. I laid down next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist. I lightly kissed her on the cheek, making her blush.

"What was that for?" she smiled.

I shrugged. "To make you feel better."

" definitely helped," she smiled. I rolled my eyes and cuddled her, resting my chin on her shoulder. I stared at her neck, desperately wanting to kiss it. I bit my lip, beginning to imagine what she even tasted like.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she giggled.

Heat quickly rose to my cheeks. "Looking at you like what?"

"" her voice trailed off as I felt her eyes gaze down at my lips. Fuck Cami's plan. I was gonna kiss her now. I couldn't handle waiting. I was gonna do this now.

She placed her soft hand on my cheek and began to slowly pull my face in. I didn't take my eyes off of her full lips as I watched them open slightly. But, before we could continue my phone buzzed startling us both. We both quickly untangled, me grabbing my phone and checking the text message.

Travis- hey beautiful imy can't wait to see u soon

I cringed at his text and rolled my eyes. I felt Vanessa shift next to me and I turned my head to look at her, noticing that she had read the text too. And the amount of pain I saw in her eyes right then, made me want to cry.

I had never seen someone look so hurt.

She turned towards me, her eyes glistening. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped herself, shaking her head.

"Vanessa..I-" I began to say.

"Just stop it, okay? I can't believe you Mads! You fucking mess with my head and make me think things and you try to kiss me but you clearly have something going on with someone else! Why the fuck do you have to do shit like this? You're not allowed to mess with me like this. To play with me like this. It's not fair...and you have no idea how much I-"

"Are you guys okay?" Cami asked, peeking her head in while opening the door. "Lili and I heard yelling."

"No we're not okay. You know what..fuck this," Vanessa sat up quickly and jumped off the bed. She left the room, walking past Cami. I heard Lili call after Vanessa, as I stood up. Cami closed the door, walking towards me.

"Madelaine..what happened?" she said in a very serious tone.

"We..we almost kissed. But I got..a text from Travis. And Nessa saw it," I said quietly. I showed Cami the text and she shook her head.

"No offense Mads..but you really need to make up your mind. You can't keep doing this to Travis and especially Vanessa. Because someone will get hurt if you keep playing games. You need to choose."

"I wanna choose Vanessa..but I don't wanna hurt Travis. He's such a great guy and he never did anything wrong. And I don't know if I should make things official with him or not."

"I understand. need to choose."

"I don't know who to choose, okay? They're both amazing people that I feel extremely happy around" I admitted.

"How bout' this? Let's flip a coin," Cami said. She pulled a penny out of her pocket, showing it to me.

"What?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Heads for Vanessa. Tails for Travis. Which ever side it lands on, means you're destined to be with that person," she said. I nodded, nervously agreeing. She flipped the coin, tossing it in the air. I watched it spin up, my heart beating quickly.

"Tell me right now! Travis or Vanessa?" she yelled at me suddenly, sending me into a panic.

"Vanessa!" I blurted out quickly. She smiled at me, catching the coin.

"Vanessa it is then," she grinned.

"I just blurted that out! It's not like I was thinking," I said.

"Exactly. Because you didn't let your brain let your heart," she winked.

"But..what did the coin have to do with anything?"

"Nothing..I just used it as a distraction."

" what do I do now?"

She smiled at me, stepping closer.

"Well first of're going to have to tell Travis that you can't continue whatever you two have," she sighed. I nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"And're gonna go get your girl," she smirked.

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