Chapter 7

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Vanessa's POV

After what seemed like forever, we finally arrived at our destination. Mads had taken me to Griffith Park. Little did she know I had dreamed about visiting this place. It almost felt magical, being up this high and looking out over LA. We parked the car and got out. I was in awe of the view. The city skyline left me speechless, as I noticed all the apartments and palm trees.

"Come on Nessa," Mads laughed. She took my hand as we walked up the hill. I felt my face turn red as she held onto my hand tightly. Her long, red hair swept across her face as the wind hit it. Once we finally reached the top of the hill, she let go of my hand making me disappointed. My hand felt useless now that she wasn't holding it.

"Pretty isn't it?" Mads asked me, as we sat down on a bench. I nodded, at a loss for words.

But, I wasn't talking about the view.

Mads turned to me smiling, catching me staring and I felt myself blush. I looked the other way as she giggled. I looked down at our hands and I felt a very strange urge to hold hers. But, I didn't.

"I'm glad you came to LA," Mads said. She turned to me, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"I am too," I replied. I stared at her beautiful face, not moving. My eyes drifted to her pink lips. But, I stopped myself and looked away. I began to feel uncomfortable. I didn't know why I was feeling this way. I shouldn't be feeling this way.

"Are you okay?" Mads asked, scooting closer to the point where our legs were touching. I nodded shyly. I felt her stare at me for a moment, until I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out and saw the text from Cami.

Cami- come back asap plz

Me- what's wrong?

Cami- it's nothing bad, you just needa come back quick

Me- uh ok?

I looked up at a concerned Mads. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's Cami. She needs me to come back to the house," I sighed.

"Oh," she said. She looked down, a frown now on her face.

"Hey," I said, placing my hand on hers. She looked up at me with sad eyes. "We can hang out another time," I smiled. She nodded and we stood up to leave. Thanks a lot Cami. This better be important, I thought to myself as we left.

Madelaine's POV

I pulled up to Cami's apartment, double-parking. "Well..I guess this is goodbye," I sighed. Vanessa nodded, looking disappointed.

"I had fun hanging out with you though! We have to do this again," I smiled at her. We both got out of the car, so we could hug one another. I looked down at the shorter girl, mesmerized by her pretty eyes. We immediately hugged, me in her arms. Once we finally let go of one another we said our goodbyes and I left. And as I drove farther and farther away from Cami's apartment, I felt my heart ache. And I couldn't help but feel depressed without her.

Vanessa's POV

I was already upset that I had to say goodbye to Madelaine, but now I was even more upset at Cami. I knocked on her door, now frustrated. She opened it quickly, pulling me inside. I took off my shoes, clearly annoyed. I turned to her and noticed how excited she looked.

"What do you want Cami?" I asked, crossing my arms.

She grinned at me. "Okay so I talked to the casting directors for Riverdale and they said that they would gladly let you audition for the role of Josie!"

I raised an eyebrow. I wasn't excited at all. "That sounds great," I said sarcastically. Her entire expression dropped.

"I thought you'd be happier," she said.

I laughed and shook my head. "You know that I'm gonna get rejected again. I don't wanna risk it. The whole point of me getting away from New York, was to also get away from just that," I said.

But she wasn't going to listen to me. "Vanessa..I know how hard it is for you. I got rejected a lot too. But please..just give this is a chance..please," she begged. I could see how desperate she was and I knew she was never gonna stop asking. I mean if I did get rejected again would it break me? Of course it would. But, part of me said that I should give it a shot. And I gave in.

"Fine.." I said quietly. Her entire face lit up and the next thing I knew was that she was hugging me tightly.

"Oh my god! Nessa! This is amazing! I'm so happy right now! We need to celebrate!" she said excitedly. I smiled, but I was still sad. Because I wanted to be with Mads right now. I wasn't going to blame Cami. She just did me a huge favor. But, I couldn't control how I felt.

Hours later

I climbed into bed, taking out my hair from the bun it was in. But, the minute my head touched the pillow I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it quickly and smiled when I saw who it was from.

Madelaine: hey nessa! you up?

Me: hi!

Madelaine: yay! i missed you, is everything ok?

Me: yup, oh u wanna hear something?

Madelaine: sure lol

Me: i'm gonna be auditioning for the role of josie!

Madelaine: WHAT

Madelaine: OH MY GOD



Me: hahah i'm excited too!

Madelaine: this is so cool! we're both auditioning for the same show! ik ur definitely gonna get the role :)

Me: eh probably not

Madelaine: you're probably amazing at acting, i can't wait to see u at the auditions!

Me: i'm so excited!

Madelaine: lmao ily💖 but i gtg to bed im so tired ughh

Me: ok, bye! ly too :)

Madelaine: bye ttyl 💕

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