Chapter 22

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Camila's POV

It was around 8:00 and I had gathered everyone else inside to play Monopoly because we had nothing else to do. During the game, I casually pulled Vanessa outside to the pool to talk to her. We waded our feet in the water, as the water reflected against our faces.

"I just wanna be happy Cami," she said randomly. I could tell by her voice that she was emotionally exhausted. But, I knew she wasn't gonna feel this way in about five minutes.

"I..I don't think I'll ever get over her. I know she's probably over me. She probably never liked me in the first place. But..I just want to be with her," she admitted.

"I understand," I smiled. She didn't look at me but I was practically bursting with joy.

"I'm gonna go get us drinks. I'll be right back," I said standing up.

"I'll stay here then," she sighed. I left the poolside and walked into the house, through the backdoor, to where Mads was patiently standing.

" walk through the back over there and she should just be sitting on the poolside by herself," I pointed to where she should go. She nervously smiled and nodded. I rested my hands on her shoulders.

"You're going to be fine. I promise. Now go get her," I winked. She smiled and turned away, walking behind the corner towards the gate that led to the pool.

Madelaine's POV

I gripped onto the flowers and my short yellow dress as I made my way to the back of the pool. I spotted Vanessa sitting by herself all alone. I slowly unlocked the gate, but I heard another door open and I hid behind a tall bush. The figure walked towards Vanessa and sat down with her.


Heat rose to my cheeks, infuriated by what I saw. The two exchanged words with one another. But, then Charles did something. He began to lean in. And I knew exactly what was happening.

I was too late.

Tears began to stream down my face as I threw the flowers on the ground and ran away.

Vanessa's POV

I patiently waited for Cami, as I looked at my reflection in the pool. I began to hear a door open and close behind me as I turned around, expecting the person to be Cami.

But, it was only Charles. I weakly smiled at him as he sat down next to me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," I responded.

"Why aren't you inside?" he asked.

"Didn't really feel like being around anyone," I shrugged.

"Oh..well I think you should be," he said.


"It's just..I know you're going through some things..and I know it's probably very hard for you to talk about..but being alone isn't going to help you. I'm not forcing you to tell me what you're going through..but I want you to know that I really am here for you Vanessa," he said. He stared at me a little longer than I expected. I smiled at him, as his eyes trailed down to my lips. He began to lean in.

Oh hell no.

I quickly stopped him before he could continue. "Look..Charles. You're an amazing guy. You're talented, sweet, caring..but I don't like you like that," I said.

"Oh," he said. He looked down, clearly disappointed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to-"

"No no it's fine. That was stupid of me to even try and kiss you. I'm such an idiot," he laughed.

"Charles, you're not-"

"Nah I am. I'm sorry. I'm..just gonna go back inside now," he said. He stood up and quickly walked back inside. After a moment, I stood up. I decided to go around through the back so I could avoid confrontation with everyone else inside. I opened the gate and felt myself step on something. I looked down to see a bouquet of flowers lying on the ground. I quickly picked it up and looked around to see who might've dropped it..but no one else was in sight. I walked back into the house and headed upstairs to my find Mads crying and sitting on the bed in tears. I dropped the flowers on the table and closed the door.

"Mads..what happened?" I asked.

"How about you figure it out?" she cried. I stood there, quickly noticing her yellow dress. Her hair was down and mascara rolled down her cheeks. And that's when it hit me.

The flowers. The dress. Cami leaving to go get "drinks." The flowers that had been dropped in front of the pool. It all made sense.

"Oh..." I said, finally realizing what she meant. I slowly sat on the bed with her, as she sobbed.

"Yeah..exactly. You don't even understand Vanessa. I tried to tell you how I felt. But you lashed out at me everytime. I understand how you feel. But, did you ever think about how I feel? How I feel when I see you smile? How I feel when you hug me? When kiss me? Even if it's just a friendly kiss? You think it means nothing to me..but it means everything. I tried to tell you how I felt..but I couldn't. Because you were in the middle of something with..with Charles. And this whole time you thought I was in love with Travis. But, I was really in love with-"

I pressed my lips to hers, lightly grabbing the side of her face. Her soft lips moved against mine, as she put her hand on my waist. She slipped her tongue into my mouth, exploring it as I tasted her sweet lips.

So this is what it felt like. To be happy. Because in all honesty, I haven't felt this a long time. To finally feel wanted. To finally feel loved. To finally feel special. This was everything I had ever wanted.

She was everything I ever wanted.

We both broke apart, for some air as she smiled at me. I wiped the wet tears off of her cheek, as she giggled. I pulled her in for a hug, as I felt her grab me tightly. I stroked her hair, as she rested her chin on my shoulder.

"I'm not going to leave you..not ever again," I said.

"You two are so beautiful," I heard a voice say. We both turned to the now opened door, to see Cami standing there. We both began to blush as Cami smiled.

"You're welcome by the way," she said leaning against the door frame.

"For what?" Mads and I both said in sync.

" two softies may have not realized this..but I am dead ass the only reason why you two met in the first place so you're welcome," she said.

"Come here," I laughed. Mads and I pulled Cami in for a hug.

"Oh..and between us three..I prefer you two over Sprousehart," she winked.

"But..wait what would the ship name be?" Mads asked.

"I know. Well..I've always known," Cami smiled.

"What is it?" Mads asked.

"Madnessa..a.k.a the best ship that I most definitely stan," Cami smiled.

"I love it," I smiled at Mads.

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