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Waking up this morning all I could think about was getting to school so I could see My sweet Shelly.  Her name is really Roschelle and she prefers to be called Elle but I love it when she gets annoyed so I call her Shelly since she hates it so much.  I love the little eye roll she gets and pout she makes whenever I call her that. I picture her reaction and  I can't help but smile when I think of her.  I don't remember when the love I had for her changed from that of a big brother to wanting so much more but it did change.  Now she is in every thought I have.  I have been trying to forget about her because according to what I heard this summer she does not feel that way about me.  As usual, when I arrive I am surrounded by girls yet the one girl I want is still not here.  

I eventually here my brother's Mustang pull in and I see him pull into his usual spot.  I never could understand why he likes to slam on the brakes when he parks.  As he and My sweet Shelly fly forward I see him chuckle say something to her and I see her respond tapping his nose.  They start to get out as she says something else and he groans but they eventually get out.  She barely glances at me and throws her backpack over her shoulder.  I try to ignore her and then I hear the wolf whistles so I turn to see what has their attention and that is when I notice.  My sweet Shelly wearing a skirt that she should never have left the house in.  With every step, you get a glimpse of her panties.  I start to get mad I want to pull off Lee's sweater and wrap it around her waist so it will not let these Yahoo's here see something that only I should see.  Damn, what am I thinking she is not my girl.  All of a sudden that asshat Tuppen smacks Shelly on her ass.  I see red I start to head over to her when my brother tries to punch Tuppen and fails so I tackle him before he could hit Lee and down he goes.  I start to beat the crap out of him and I vaguely hear Shelly begging me to stop but I don't.

It wasn't until the principle pulls me off that I stop.  He ends up giving us all detention.  I watch Shelly doing her homework when all of a sudden the guy behind her gives her a note.  I start to fume what the hell I have worked so hard to keep these Yahoo's away from her and now they give her a note in front of me.  I notice her look at Tuppen and he looks like he is begging her for something.  Shit didn't he get the hint earlier to not go near My sweet Shelly?  I stay glaring at Tuppen and notice him send her another letter.  She reads it looks at him and again he is begging her for something.  She giggles and thinks and all of a sudden she giggles again while writing something down and passes it back.  Tuppen just nods.  I guess Shelly heard me shifting in my seat because she looks at me I glare at her hoping she understands I am asking her what are you thinking but all she does is glares back as if to say what.  Ten minutes pass when all of a sudden the door bangs open and there is Tuppen in a short skirt and his Jersey.  I am fuming because now he is making a fool of himself and I know it is all for My sweet Shelly.

I found out that Tuppen had asked My sweet Shelly out and she said yes.  So, I called him and told him you take her out and I will kick your ass so bad you will end up in the hospital.  Elle Evans is off limits to all guys you need to spread the word.  It wasn't until much later I found out that he had ignored my threats and went out with My sweet Shelly.  I sat in my room hoping she would contact me after coming home and I got my wish.

Shelly: I don't know who you think you are you do not have the right to tell me who I can date.

Me: Well did you like your date

Shelly: Yes, I did and he was a perfect gentleman

Me: Did he kiss you

Shelly: That is none of your business.

Me: So, he did fine I will take care of it tomorrow.

Shelly: Damn it Noah it was just on the cheek why do you have to be such an ass

Me: Well that will be your last date

Shelly: That is not your decision to make you are not my father. So, stop telling me what to do.

Me: Not going to happen

I hung up on her and Chuckled.  She may have won with going out on her first date but I will make sure that none of the Yahoo's at school would ask her out again.  As for Tuppen I am going to make his life a living hell starting with football practice tomorrow.  All of a sudden my phone pings and there is a picture of Tuppen and Elle with the caption Just had a great date with hopefully my Elle Evans.  I growled at the phone and tossed it on my desk.  We will see about that Tuppen you forget who you are messing with she is not yours, she will never be yours she is mine and I will make her mine I just have to make sure no one else get's there first.  You may have stolen her first date from me but I will get her first kiss.


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