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I look at my Shelly and ask "So, Lee knows how you feel about me." " I don't know when I asked about it I didn't say it was you I just said some guy." she giggled and I just shook my head  "what is so funny" "I guess Lewis was right about you he is a lot more preceptive than most guys" Ahh come on we just got together and really she is going to talk to me about her damn ex.  "Shelly, I really don't want to talk about him right now." "Noah behave he is still my friend" Yeah but it doesn't mean I have to like the asshat.  "Yeah, and the guy who gave you your first real kiss I always thought that would be me." "oh, really how would that have been possible. I could have kissed any guy at any party" "why do you think no one ever asked you out till Tuppen" "so, Lewis really was right about you" OK shit she is not going to drop it so I guess I am going to have to listen to what this asshat had to say about me.  Shit I just want to strangle him but fine.  "damn, him again fine what did he say." "That you would look at him like he was stepping on your turf and that he wouldn't have put it passed you to tell the guys to stay away because you were denying your feelings" Shit even he saw when My Shelly couldn't I guess he wasn't so bad after all.  "ok, I guess he saw more than I wanted him too." "What would you have done if Tuppen was my first kiss" OK this has to stop I just want to enjoy her being in my arms. "I don't know Shells please can we not talk about them. Look Lee is looking for you and you need to get back can I take you home" "Noah, we all came together." Oh, yeah duh see what she does to me.  "ok get back to work."

I see her meet Lee halfway between the kissing booth and where I am watching her. I watch her get back to the booth and start taking money and tickets. I noticed some jokers walking up to the booth so I head over there just as the asshat Duncan decided to be a smart ass when he went up to buy his ticket and said "So, Evans, when do you go back up Flynn, took off with you before I got my kiss and I don't think that is fair. When do I get mine."  When I heard him say that I wanted to kill him.  I walk up behind her and notice Lewis out of the corner of my eye with Dallas getting ready to say something I glare at Duncan and he goes white and starts backing up "never mind I will just get in line" My Shelly turns around and glares at me. She even gives me a smack and says "stop, it I can handle myself remember you don't get to tell me what to do you are not my boyfriend." Oh really Shelly is that what you think I grab her and spin her around whispering "oh, really so you won't mind if I work the booth" Let's see how she likes that one. "you wouldn't dare" I grin nope didn't think she would like it.  "exactly Shelly your mine now and I am not letting you get away that easily." I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. I glance and my bro and yell "Lee, do you still need Shelly" "Nah Noah, you can leave" "wait, how Lee you brought us" at that point I hear Lewis "hey I can give you two a ride it will be a tight fit but I think it will be fun"  Hell yeah with shell pressed up against me loads of fun especially if I have my way she will be sitting on my lap.

As we walk in I ask Lewis  "hey you know where the game room is right" Lewis nods his head "ok, go on in there Shelly and I have some unfinished business to iron out about our relationship and my expectations."  This little minx is going to learn she is mine and I don't share my toys.   "Noah Flynn you're incorrigible."   You better believe it, baby.  I take her to the guest room my mom is giving her since her clothes are there and set her down.

Me: ok get ready while we talk

Elle: not funny Noah out I will call you when I am done.

Me: but Lee gets to see

Elle: Lee always turned his head and didn't peak unlike I know you will

Me: Fine be that way.

I watch her grab her clothes and head to Lee's bathroom to shower and change. I follow her as soon as she comes out of Lee's room.

Me: OK Shelly, I want us to be exclusive. I don't want to see anyone else touch you.

Elle: Really, what if I am not ready for that.

She giggles at me I couldn't help but groan before I grab her and lift her up and throw her on the bed. I started tickling her and I could hear her begging me to stop.

Me: You give

Elle: Yes I give

Me: so Shelly baby will you agree to not see anyone else but me

Elle: Nope I want to hear you say it, Noah.

Me: come on Shelly, please

Elle: nope

Me: Ahhh fine will you be my mumble mumble

Elle: What was that

Me: Shelly, will you be my girlfriend

Elle: Hmmm let me see

Me: Seriously Shelly come on

Elle: Of course Noah I love you

Me: I love you to Rochelle

I lean down and brush my lips against hers as she reaches up to pull me closer I brush my tongue along her lips. I feel her open hers to allow me in and she pulls me closer so I can deepen the kiss. I love when she runs her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck. All of a sudden we hear a voice clear behind us and we pull apart and look at the door Lewis is standing there. "I haven't let anyone in since I don't live here but I think if you are worried about her reputation the last thing you want them to see is this" I nod at him he is so right here I am doing the exact thing I was worried he might do to her setting her up to have her reputation ruined so I sigh and say "Your right about that thanks" I get up to grab her hand and pull her to her feet "let's get this party started Shelly Baby"

NOT THE FIRST KISS (NOAH)Where stories live. Discover now