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With the start of the spring semester brought Shelly and me closer together. Instead of Lee picking her up everyday I started to do it. Since she was riding in with me, Lee began to pick up Rachel. The most significant events are coming up where Spring Break and Prom.  So, Lee and I decided to surprise the girls with a special Spring Break trip just the four of us.  The girls were driving us crazy about our surprise.  I know how much Shelly hates surprises, but I couldn't help myself because no matter how much she hates them when she get's them her expression is fantastic. During practice, I was going crazy since the girl's soccer field was empty.  I love watching my girl during her workouts.  She is just so cute when she knocks down a girl before she steals the ball, but none of the team came out.  I hope there wasn't some stupid scrimmage they took her too unexpectedly because there is no telling when she will be back.  As I come around the building from practice, I see her sitting on my bike talking to Rachel.  There is a guy by them, and I can tell he is getting annoyed because they are ignoring him.  I see him clap in front of their faces and Shelly looks at him I can make out what she is saying.  "Who exactly are you talking to?" I chuckle typical Shelly doesn't even realize how gorgeous she is or how hot she looks sitting on my motorcycle.  He tells her "Well you of course. I like the bike." She looks at him and says "Well it is not my bike and I am not interested." When she tells him this, I can tell he has become aggravated because she is brushing him off.  He raises his eyebrows and says "well who's is it" That is when I come up behind him and tell him  "mine, just like she is so back off" She turns and look at me and say "Hey Noah, how was football?"  "Good Where were you guys the field was empty I planned on walking you after class" "oh, the coach was absent, so they let me go to the library to finish my homework I am officially free for the weekend" "good, same here finished mine in my off period." "Yeah must be nice being a senior." "speaking of that we need to talk Shelly, and you are not avoiding it this time." If I have to, I will tie her up and hall her cute little ass off.  "Fine, you win" all of a sudden I hear a female voice say "hey is that your bike stud how about we lose the toddler, and you give me a ride" I see my sweet Shelly glare at her and I can tell she is about to kick her ass.  So just as she jumps at her I grab her and tell her  "if I can't fight neither can you sit back down put on your helmet and let's go." I couldn't help but chuckle when she glares at me, and I notice her wheels turning and her eye's move towards Lee.  I glare back at her and tell her  "don't even think about it I swear Shelly, you do it, and I will go over there and drag you back kicking and screaming if I have to we need to talk, and you can't avoid it anymore." I look at Rachel and raise my eyebrow at her, and I notice Rachel's glance at Shelly and hear her say "Oh, look there is Lee bye." She takes off at a sprint and before she get's close I hear her yell at Lee "don't ask just get that car started and let's go unless you want your bro mad at you" I see her glance over and see Lee shrug and take off. She glared at him as he drove off then she turns, and she glares at me and climbs on, I smirk at her and start the bike, and we take off.

We get to the Hollywood sign, and she gets off and walks ahead of me with her head hung down.  I start following behind her, and I notice that she has dropped her head and is letting her hair fall covering her face I feel my heart break because I know.  I know what is going on without even looking at her.  My girl is crying.  I watch her sit down and as I sit down next to her I say:   "hey Shelly come on what's wrong why are crying?"  She looks up at me and says "please do it quickly I understand. I don't want you drag this out" "drag what out Shelly" "you breaking up with me" "why would I do that I love you" "your going to Harvard you are going to meet beautiful college girls that are not as naïve and innocent as I am." What my baby, my girl thinks I would break up with her is this why she has been avoiding this conversation.  I look deep into her eyes  "your crazy girl; I am not breaking up with you. I love you too much for that and how do you even know if I am going to Harvard I haven't even told my folks my decision." I mean just the thought of leaving her breaks my heart I don't know if I am going I much take that offer to UCLA so that I can be close to her.   "I know you, Noah, you knew you were going the minute you saw they excepted you. Just like me you have always dreamed of Harvard."I didn't realize it till she said it but she is right.   "Damn I forget sometimes you are not just my girl, but you have been in my life your whole life. Look at me, Shelly." "Yes, Noah." "I know we are probably way too young for this, but I have loved you for as long as I can remember and I will not lose you so, he stands me up and get's down on one knee and says "Rochelle "Shelly" Evans will you marry me" She looks down at me and say "Yes" throws herself into my  arms. I kiss her tenderly and say "I think this will be a long engagement I think we should wait at least until you graduate from High School but I can't imagine my life where you are not in it."

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