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After I answer the door and realize the guests are arriving I head upstairs and see the two of them sitting on the bed.  He is holding her while she is crying.  I take a deep breath because my first instinct is to pull her out of his arms and beat the crap out of him or touching My sweet Shelly.  "People are starting to show up and you need to get dressed and he shouldn't be in here Shelly."  I see her roll her eyes at me "Noah, the door is opened don't be an ass."  That asshat gets 's up and tells her "you get ready I will be waiting for you just outside."  I know he is trying to be there for her but the last thing My sweet Shelly needs is some jerkwad to spread rumors that she was getting it on with this asshat.  He doesn't go to our school so it will make it so, much worse.  "no, you won't you will be downstairs so the asshats down there don't think you two were doing something you may not go to school with them but she does and you are not ruining her reputation."  He looked at me "OK, I see your point."   I grab the door and lock it before closing it behind me.  I can't believe this guy understands how important it is to keep My sweet Shelly's reputation pure.  All of a sudden he glares at me and takes a step closer to me.  I don't understand why I don't scare this guy more.  "Look I don't know what you said to her last night but if you really care about her the way I think you do.  Don't do it again.  That is not the girl I met that night there is something missing and I  know it is your fault."  He walked away from me and I know he is right.  The sparkle is dying in her eyes and it is my fault.  I can't let that happen.  I sigh out and let myself lean against the door.  Those eyes are one of the things that I love the most about her.  They draw me in when I gaze at them I feel like I am drowning every time.  I lean up and head downstairs before I help tarnish My sweet Shelly's reputation.

I get downstairs and see those sluts the OMG girls swarming all over Elle's date.  All of a sudden I hear Duncan say "damn Evans you look great."  I look up at her and see her laugh and turn around showing off her dress.  I have no idea what it is called but it is the dress my mom bought her for her birthday last year.  Damn, I love her in blue especially that dress it is my favorite.  Yet this time it looks like her sudden change this summer has filled it out more in oh lord help me all the right places.  All of a sudden I see the asshat disentangle himself from the sluts and walk up to Shelly.  I need to start thinking of her as just Shelly.  I need to let her be happy if I love her that is what I should want right.  I smirk because that dork took off his cowboy hat and bowed before he wrapped his arm around her.  I hear him tell her "Damn Elle you look great."  I feel my jaw tense as he leans in and kisses her on the cheek and slips his arm around her waist.

I watched her all night.  I was not interested in any makeout sessions with all the girls that usually follow me around.  All I want is My...Shelly.  I really need to start thinking of her as just Shelly.  They talked to each other and other people here at the party.  I see my chance to talk to her when Tuppen to the asshat off to check out the beer pong table.  I walk up to her and say the first thing that comes to my mind "So you are not going to go and hide in a corner and make-out."  She turns to look at me all of a sudden her eyes fill up with tears I notice the asshat coming back and I hear her say "Just leave me alone." I watch her run up the stairs and I see the asshat take off after her after glaring at me.  Lee comes up and yells "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY TO MY TWIN DAMN IT NOAH?"  Next thing I know Lewis comes down and says "I lost her.  I know it sounds stupid but I did."  Lee looks at him "Where show me?"  Lee and I follow the asshat and we see him, point to the corner of the reading nook my mom and Mary used to use.  My mom hasn't been here since we lost Mary it is just too painful for her.  There is one thing that Lee and I know that no one else knows but the family.  Lee turns to the asshat damn I really need to start calling him by his name.  If he is going to be in Shelly's life.  Lee looks at him "OK I know where she is can you go downstairs this is a family secret and if she is where I think she is she doesn't want to be found by anyone but me."  Lewis looks at Lee and glares at me "OK."  I tell Lee "I will go this is my fault."  He flips around and glares at me "NO, SHE IS MY TWIN I WILL GO YOU HAVE DONE ENOUGH."  He slips behind the curtain and presses the little roset that opens the door to our secret clubhouse.  

After a while, I see Shelly and every time I try to get her attention she ignores me.  I can't blame her I was stupid I let my emotions about Lewis touching her get to me.  I hear him ask her "So, you're doing a kissing booth?"  "Well running it I  am not one of the kissers."  "Ah, so the whole school knew you have never been kissed why?"  I feel smug because I know it is my fault.  I hear her tell him that and that the only other guy she dated was Tuppen.  I hear him asking her if he is the second guy she has ever dated and her confirming it as such.  Then I see him lean in and say something to her before he pulls her close and kisses her.  I was just about to walk away when I hear "I can't do this I am so sorry."  I feel my heart soar when I realize he is not comfortable kissing My Shelly.  Yeah, yeah I know I said I wasn't going to call her that but who am I kidding.  I hear him tell her he does like her but he is still not over his ex a girl named Dallas.  I hear him tell her that she reminds him of her.  I hear him explain that he thought Elle could make him love her like he loved Dallas. Then I hear her tell him that she doesn't feel the sparks she sees between Lee and Rachel.  He tells her he is happy he didn't hurt her and asks if she feels those sparks for someone else and this is what I hear.

"Well, recently very recently there is someone that just him being close to me makes me tremble."  He whispers something in her ear and then I hear him say "Didn't think I  noticed but I did and I wasn't kidding when I said he looks at me like I am stepping on his turf."  I step away feeling like I am flying.  Watching them and every time he touches her leans in I can't help but tense my body.  I know the guy that makes My Shelly tremble is me because I have felt it and seen it.  I see him lean in and lightly kiss her on her lips."  "bye, Lewis."  I see him walk away and I watch My Shelly to see where she is going and I watch her head upstairs.  I knock on the bedroom door and hear "Nothing Happened."  I tell her "OK Shelly but if you need me you will let me know"  "Yes Noah I promise."  After hearing her promise me she will come to me if she needs me I go to my room and shut the door.  I no longer care about my party.  All I care about is that MY SHELLY has forgiven me.

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