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The morning after My sweet Shelly's first date I see Tuppen standing by the spot my brother normally parks in.  This infuriates me because I know that he is waiting for Shelly.  As usual, when my brother pulls into his spot he slams on the breaks I hear Tuppen say "nice driving Little Flynn."  I watch him walk over to her door and open it.  I watch My sweet Shelly get out and she glances at me.  I can not believe her did she just flip her hair at me.  What the hell?  Doesn't she realize I am only looking out for her and Tuppen is not the guy for her."  My sight starts to blur when I realize he has placed his hand on the small of her back.   All I can think about is ripping his arm out of its socket.  I watch them enter the building together and all I can think of is how I am going to make him wish he never laid eyes on Rochelle Evans. 

By the time I arrived at lunch I was livid.  All anyone would talk about was how cute My sweet Shelly and Tuppen looked together.  That should be me.  He even walked her to all her classes this morning.  I hate this I should be the one holding her and walking her to class not him.  I am sitting here surrounded by the guys from the team and I see them sitting with my brother Lee and his girlfriend Rachel.  That douche keeps touching her.  Placing his hand on her knee or trailing his hand up and down her back. I couldn't help myself I started cracking my knuckles to prevent me from storming over there and picking up Tuppen by his shirt throwing him down and beating the crap out of him.  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lee whisper something to Shelly and her glance over her shoulder before leaning in and whispering something back.  Next thing I know that asshat has grabbed her and pulled her on to his lap.  I could hear him from here "What are you two whispering about."  Good luck asshat she will never tell.  I finally hear her beautiful voice say "sorry it's a twin thing."  Of course, Rachel says "don't even try they will not rat each other out"  Then he says "Not even if I do this."  He kissed her fucking neck.  How I wish I could break his.  The last thing I heard before the bell was "nope sorry."

I made my way to practice and the first thing I did was deliberately bump into Tuppen and since I am Flynn every guy in the locker room did it as well whenever they passed him.  I couldn't help but feel smug because this was only the beginning.  I didn't even have to tell the guys they knew so whenever Tuppen had the ball all the guys went after him and those that were supposed to protect him would back off.  By the end of practice, Tuppen looked worse for wear and I just smirked.  I showered quickly and headed straight home.  I had heard Tuppen say he was going to my house to see My sweet Shelly.  When I get there I hear her, Lee and Rachel by the pool so I  go out there and stand right next to here lounger blocking the sun.  "So, did you enjoy your little display in school today?"  "I don't know what you are talking about"  Damn it, Shelly, you are not blowing me off.  I bend down and lift her off the lounger and carry her into the house.  "Damn it Noah put me down right now"  "We need to talk without an audience." I walk into the game room and put her down and she turns to me saying "So, Talk"  I look at her "Damn it, Shelly, you need to stop Tuppen is just playing you."  "Noah we are just dating get over it."  Get over it she wants me to get over it.  He is touching what is mine.  She starts to walk out of the room and I grab her and pull her close to me.  My heart rate picks up as her intoxicating scent fills my lungs. "I mean it Rochelle you need to stop this he is making you look like a fool."  I hear her heart speed up and I feel mine soar knowing she is feeling this way because of me.  She glares at me.  Damn, she is so cute when she acts menacing.  "At least he doesn't treat me like a child, unlike some people.  If I want to continue to see Tuppen that is my business, not yours."  I grin at her and look around.  "So, if you two are so close whey isn't he here."  "Well duh football practice remember you were with him you just got home he said he would stop by after."  She yanked her arm out of my hand and went back out to the pool.  I could still feel her arm in my hand as I watched her walk up to Tuppen and hear him say "Hey, there beautiful missed you."  He hugged her and gave her a quick peck on the lips."  I couldn't take it I grabbed my leather jacket and stormed out of the house slamming the door.  I barely took the time to put my helmet on before I roared off on my motorcycle.  

I had just returned home when my mom said "Hey, sweetie tell Elle that Max wants her home now.  Oh, and you take her it is getting late and I don't want her walking home alone."  I grin because I know My sweet Shelly will go with me now that my mom told me to do it.  She hates it when we piss off our parents.  I walk into the game room and see Shelly with her head on Tuppen's shoulder.  I fight hard not to walk over there and yank her up and carry her off.  "Mom said Max called he wants you home come on let's go."  Tuppen stands up and picks her up telling her "come on let's get you home."  I step in front of Tuppen "no, my mom told me to take her, so put her down and go."  He puts her down as we stare each other down.  I hear her say "way too much testosterone I am gone."  Lee looks at me "What the hell Noah, why can't you let her have a life she  is happy so leave my twin alone."  I stride across the room and lift Lee up by his shirt and say "She doesn't know what she has gotten herself into and I will not let her get hurt so but out or I will kick your ass next."  I turn around and notice Tuppen is gone.  Shit, now I know he is following Shelly that was the last thing I wanted them alone.  I go up to my room and throw myself across my bed imagining him finally getting my first real kiss.  When I heard his car pull away I smile because I know the amount of time it takes to get from here to Shelly's and back there was no way he got a kiss.  Yes, that is still mine.

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