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I am laying down in my bed when my phone pings.  I glance at it, good it is Tuppen.  I had messaged him before I left to keep an eye on My sweet Shelly, of course, I just told him to keep an eye on her because I didn't trust that guy.  That he gave me a bad vibe.  I couldn't help but grin before I opened the message.  I made Tuppen worry so I knew he would keep a really close eye on him.

Tuppen:  Dude she said everything was fine when I asked if he was bothering her and I told her I didn't' trust the guy.

Me:  OK, did anything happen.  Elle is too sweet and he will take advantage of her.

Tuppen:  Well the four of them exchanged number.

Me:  Wait you mean to tell me he now has both Lee and Elle's number

Tuppen:  Also Rachel's and they all have his.

Me:  OK, is that all

Tuppen:  Well he walked out with them and walked Evans to the car and opened her door and took her hand to help her in and right before he closed the door he kissed her hand and asked her to call him.  It was really rather sweet are you sure this guy is dangerous looks like he just likes Evans and dude she deserves it.

Me:  Yes, I am.  Yes, she does deserve to be happy but I have to trust the guy I will not have anyone hurt her.  She is like my sister.  Night dude.

Tuppen:  OK Flynn but this sounds more like your jealous.  Almost like you want her for yourself.  Is the big bad Flynn finally met the girl that is going to turn him into a good guy?

Me:  Don't be ridiculous she is just Lee's annoying best friend my kid sister. 

Tuppen:  Keep telling yourself that goodnight.

I hear Lee come home and he marches right into my room.  "You know Shells has the right to have a life away from you."  "Yes, but I don't trust that guy."  "Well, too bad they exchanged numbers and hopefully by the end of the week they will have a date."  I look up at him "Not if I have anything to say about it."  "She is not going to listen to you."  "I know she won't but..." I crack my knuckles and smirk "but he will."  I push Lee out of the door so I can plan my next move tomorrow that I am going to call Texas Asshat Removal.  I grin to myself and decide first I am going to make sure every guy tells him what I do when I am ignored when it comes to My sweet Shelly.

 I get to school and I see her and Lee arrive and she is glowing.  She looks really happy I start to think maybe I should not be doing this.  As that thought crosses my mind and I shake my head no I can't let it happen he will get her first kiss and that is mine.  I want to be the only one to kiss her, and...well I won't go there I am in school and I don't need that problem here.  All day I looked for him I asked if there was a new student and everyone said no.  So, I guess strike one Lewis he is not a student here maybe he is not even in high school and if that is true that is just wrong.  If I find out he is over 18 I am telling Max.  I grin since Shelly is only 16 she is not old enough to be dating someone that old without Max's permission.  As I am finishing up football practice I glance over to the soccer field and see Shelly damn she is so hot while she is playing.  I can't help but imagine her sweat glistened body beneath mine after...ok stop that remembers you are in school.  I check my phone and Lee has sent me a message "Have plans with Rachel please give Elle a ride home?"  I grin and go and wait for her imagining her arms wrapped around my waist since I have my motorcycle.  As I watch her come out I say "Lee said he had plans with Rachel and I  should take you home"  She rolls her eyes "Fine whatever."  All of a sudden I hear this vehicle pull in and it is a red 1956 Chevy pick up.  It pulls in right next to me and Shelly and I hear "So, Elle would you like a ride home maybe we can stop and grab a bite on the way."  She looks at me and says "Thanks but I will be ok"  She starts to walk towards him and I  reach out to stop her.  "Shelly, stop please just let me get you home safe."  she glares at me "Drop it Noah bye."  She walks by me and I see him standing by the passenger door and I watch him open it and see her jump in.

I am fuming I jump on my bike jam on my helmet and peel out.  While leaving the school I almost get taken out by a car but I don't care.  My sweet Shelly has just put her life in danger by possibly a pervert and until I have proof I can't stop her.  I head home and Lee takes one look at me and asks "What is your problem?"  "Shelly just took off with that strange guy from the arcade in his stupid vintage truck."  "don't worry they are supposed to come over."  "OK good at least she will be safe."  I go upstairs and wait.  I am laying on my bed listening for the truck and I notice it has been almost an hour since school let out.  I go downstairs and no Shelly.  I grab the spare key's to Shelly's and storm out the door after yelling at Lee about how dangerous this is.  After letting myself in I pace back and forth waiting for her.  All of a sudden I hear a vehicle pull in and I look out the window and it is them I breathe a sigh of relief because she looks safe.  Oh, what the hell I just saw him lean in and brush his lips against hers giving her a kiss.  I am furious at this time.  She barely knows him and lets him kiss her like that.

As soon as she steps into the house I yell "Next time I tell you to not do something and you do it any way I will pick you up and what was it that fucking asshat said oh yeah cart you around like a bail of hay."

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