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Lee took the teasing from all my pranks with a sense of humor and within a week of his butt plastered on social media everything had finally died. I knew that Lee, Shelly, and Rachel all hung out in the quad during lunch together.  Since they sat where I could see them from the table with the football team, I usually sat at during lunch.  I was able to get the whole team to put on uniform skirts and their jersey's it is good to be me.  I even put on a skirt with my jersey. Of course, while I was doing this, the guys couldn't help but tease me that I am whipped. After all the teasing was done and we were all dressed.  I had the whole team go up to Shelly and start posing in front of her.  The guys in front all had signs that read    "ROCHELLE MY SHELLY EVANS WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME?" At the end of the question, I walk out with a dozen roses. She gets up and has this gorgeous smile on her face and says "Yes." I pick her up to spin her around and kiss her deeply. Causing the whole team to whistle and cat call the longer the kiss lasts."

I walk into my house, and I see Shelly, Rachel and her family all outside by the pool.  I know that this is supposed to bye Lee's promposal to Rachel, but I am not going up to help until I kiss my Shelly.  I walk over to her kiss her neck.   Without Rachel seeing me I sneak into the house.  After telling my mom, I will text her when I am ready I head upstairs since them walking out is the signal to start. I get set up on the balcony out of sight, and I hear Shelly yell "oh, no too late."  I hit play on the recorder next to me that has a recording of Lee's voice yelling Geronimo.  I drop the banner that is attached to the balcony, and it reads "Rachel will you go to prom with Lee?"  At that point, my little bro walks out carrying a dozen red roses.  Of Course, she says yes.  I hear her ask Shelly "I hope these are not the roses Noah bought you." She laughs "you kidding me Noah would kill both Lee and me if I let that happen. Mine is in my room." The good thing about all of this is now Lee and myself are both free from going to the mall dress shopping.

The girls let us know what color dresses they were wearing so we could get our ties and pocket handkerchiefs to match.  Shelly was wearing blue God I love her in blue.  Shelly and Rachel spent the day getting their hair, make-up, and nails done.  It is one of those times where it baffles me how long it takes a girl to get ready.  Well, I guess it is because to me most of the times I think Shelly is sexy is when she is not wearing any makeup at all.  Especailly, first thing in the morning when she still hasn't brushed her hair and is still wiping the sleep out of her eyes.  Yeah, I know strange, but I guess that is why all the girls I made-out with were the high maintenance girls so Shelly or anybody would know she was the girl for me.  I don't mind all that stuff I am just glad my girl is okay with just being herself.  When our girls came down the stairs, my breath caught in my throat.  My Shelly was gorgeous whoever did her make-up only accentuated her features to make her look even more stunning.  I couldn't help it, but at that moment watching her come down the stairs, I fell in love with her all over again.

Lee and I rented a limo for our girls and helped them into the car after the customary photos taken and the exchange of the corsages and buttoners. My mother was driving me crazy but I put up with it because I know that both my dad and Max would love to have pictures.  When we arrive at the ballroom I make sure to walk in holding Shelly's hand. We decide that the first thing we need to do is take our pictures before we end up dancing and end up looking all hot and sweaty in the pictures. We took six pictures total that night. First, it was the individual couples, a group couple picture of the four of us, one of Lee and me, one of Shelly and Rachel, one of Lee and Shelly and one of us with all our friends. We had a blast. Eventually, we end up going to the dance floor during a slow dance Shelly leans her head on my shoulder I couldn't help but whisper how much I love her.  I enjoyed dancing with her all night especially the slow dances where she was in my arms.  I can never get enough of holding my Shelly every second she is there I feel complete.  Soon everyone is talking about taking off to Tuppen's for a party I decided to let Shelly know I have other plans, so I  whisper in her ear, that I had rented a room for us. We tell Tuppen we couldn't make it to the party and excuse ourselves. As we get to the room, we are giggling and kissing every few feet. When we finally get to the room and enter look at her and tell her  "all I am expecting tonight is to be alone with you and hold you. Nothing else has to happen.  I want to fall asleep holding you in my arms." She smiles up at me, and I can tell that she feels the same way as I do that being together is enough. 

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