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I decided to have a heart to heart with Lee to make sure he was ok with Elle and myself being together.

Me:  Lee look I know you have your doubts about Elle and me being together but I love her bro she is my life.

Lee:  Noah, I know I see the way you look at her.  I also see the way she looks at you.  I don't want to see her get hurt.  

Me:  I swear bro I won't do that.

Lee:  I know, but I still have my doubts.  I will support this, but I promise you if you hurt her I will never forgive you.  She is my best friend my twin.  

Me:  Lee she is the only girl for me.

Lee:  I know you don't think I have noticed how you have been ignoring all other girls.  At our first party, you made out with that girl and the whole time you had your eye on Elle.  It was like you wanted to see her reaction and when you didn't get the reaction you wished it was like all that mattered was keeping her safe.

Me:  Yeah, I was hoping she would get mad and storm off, so she didn't have to see it.  All she did was act like she was disgusted.  

Lee:  Noah, just don't hurt her.  She may talk tuff, but I know different. 

Me:  You don't' think I know.  Lee she hasn't been the same since Marry left us.  Think about it she doesn't let anyone new in and she clings to us.  Yeah, she allowed that Lewis guy in but I think it was because he tried so hard to get to know her.

Lee:  That and Rachel and I pushed her.  See, she is afraid of losing someone she loves again.  

Me:  I don't blame her.  I want you to know I will do everything in my power to protect her like I always have.  I have a more significant incentive now because she holds my heart in her hands.

Lee:  Ok bro Let's see what my twin is up too and make sure mom isn't scaring her too much.

Me:  Nah, bro mom is who she goes to when she is confused about girl stuff you can't help her with.

Lee:  You do know her.

Me:  Lee I have been in love with her for so long and watched her from afar for so long I know that when she is having a bad dream if you gently brush her hair from her face and whisper to her, she will sigh and roll over and go back to sleep.

Lee:  Well that is good.  I am happy for you both.

As we walk back into the house I see My Shelly talking to my mom.  I walk up to her and hug her giving her a peck on the lips "so, what are my two favorite ladies in the whole world talking about." She looks at my mom and they both start to giggle, and Shelly looks at me and before she could say anything I hear Lee yell "you dingleberry" She smirked at me and said: "Nah, I was telling your mom about how insightful Lewis is" I  growl at her and see my mom raise her eyebrow. I sigh and say "sorry, mom it's just I understand that Shelly and Lewis are friends but I still don't like the fact he stole her first kiss from me. I always wanted that." She giggles seriously you are going to giggle at me when this is driving me insane.  Then I hear her say "well if you count a peck on the lips as a first kiss if you remember the stories correctly you did give me my first kiss" She is so right.  I remember that day it was when I first realized I always wanted to keep her safe.  I look at her  "that is so true and other than our parents I was the first boy to hold you." then I chuckled and said, "and see you naked." She smacks me "well you haven't yet mister and keep this up you may never get that either." I at her and smirked "too late I already did when I helped change your diaper I got to see you naked then." We all started laughing just like my dad, Max and Brad walk in. The scroll on Max's face made me stiffen. Max looks at me and says "So, when exactly did you see Elle naked young man" I gulp and smile "when I helped Mary change her diaper that one time." Everyone started laughing Max nearly fell out of his chair he was laughing so hard, and that is when Brad pipes up and says "we heard everything about you saying Shelly being naked from the door. Dad thought it would be funny to scare you." I look at him and says "yeah, really funny." Shelly looked at me and said, "I am a sorry baby, but it was you looked like a deer caught in the headlights." Max and my dad hold up their hands and show us that they had brought Chinese food for dinner we all cheered and sat down for our first meal together as a family with me back home.

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