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I got up thinking I was going to make my Shelly breakfast after last night because it was like nothing I had ever experienced before.  When I get out there, Rachel and Lee are standing there, and she sends out to get breakfast once I tell her that Shelly is awake and getting ready to come out.    I sighed and dragged Lee out the door and into the car to pick up breakfast.  After pulling out Lee glares at me "Really bro, she is my best friend.  I walked in last night and almost gagged."  I glanced at him "Lee I will not gross you out by going into details bro but even though I have had sex before it never felt the way it did with Shelly.  It made me wish I could say she was my only one because nothing from my past compares to what I experienced it wasn't just a physical satisfaction I achieved last night but an emotional one as well."  Lee looked at me "First off gross, second I am glad bro but don't hurt her I swear you do I will never forgive you and I know Max will castrate you not to mention what mom and dad will do."  We got up to the counter and ordered breakfast for our beautiful women back home.  "I will not hurt her like that Lee I love her she is my life.  All I can think about when I am with her is building a family with her."  "Damn, bro you have it bad."  "I do, I do.  The funny thing is when I think about asking her to marry me I swear Lee it's like I feel Mary is here holding me giving me her blessing."  "Yeah, the funny thing is I feel her here too.  I wish Shelly could experience that with her.  I know when the time comes she will be heartbroken that Mary isn't here for all the mother-daughter stuff that comes with getting married."  We paid and picked up our girl's breakfast as well as ours and started heading home.  I looked at Lee "I hope mom can help her through that when the time comes for Elle to start worrying about a wedding."  

We headed into the house heard our girls giggling and as we walk in they both stopped talking. I walked in and scooped her up and kissed her deeply. "hmm, maybe we should skip breakfast" She giggles, and I hear Lee say "don't even think about it. Walking in and hearing you two last night and again this morning so not up for a third round" She burry her head in my chest and say "sorry" I lift her chin and say "there is nothing to be sorry about baby. I was just as loud as you."

After breakfast the four of us went down to the beach to enjoy the water and so the girls could soak up the sun. I had decided to go and get the girls something to drink with Lee, and I notice this guy I met here a few summers ago plopping down next to my Shelly I think his name is Joseph, but I am not sure.  I guess she told him something because next thing I know he leans in and says something to her and during this whole exchange I am getting a little bit more annoyed because when I see what she is wearing it shows off to much.  All of a sudden she leans up removes her glasses looks at him says something else and plops back down.  Rachel looks behind the guy and sees me, and the look on her face says it all she knows if this guy doesn't stop there is going to be a fight, and then more than likely Shelly and I will fight, and it will leave her alone with me while Lee tries to calm down my Shelly.  I hear Rachel groan and I can tell Shelly heard her too because she looks at her and I guess Rachel's face let her know I was coming up.  I listen to her say "if you value your life I would leave my fiancée is coming up behind you." He looks over his shoulder at me and says "hey, Flynn you are not going to believe what this hottie just said about you" "let me guess that she is my fiancée" "yeah dude how did you know. OH, wait she really is you girl. Man, I am sorry dude I am gone." I smirk as I watch he run off and can't help but think at least I got him to leave my Shelly alone and she is not mad at me.  I plop down next to her and say "really Shells you know that suit leaves little to the imagination."  I hate this damn suit.  Ok, maybe not hate it if we were in the private pool by the house or at home but not here in public.  Next, thing I know she sits up and whispers in my ear "if your good I just might let you touch and play with the area's of my body with no tan" Damn where in the hell did this side come from but hell it is sexy as fucking hell.  Oh, look she just blushed how cute. She hides her head realizing what she had just said. I lift her chin and whisper in her ear "hmm, I like the offer and don't ever get embarrassed propositioning me I don't think I would ever say no to you about that after last night damn girl." She leans in "Rachel loaned me this book" I look down at it grab it and flip to the page she has dog-eared read it and grins "let's do this one tonight." I look at Rachel and say "thanks Rachel" Lee asks " why are you thanking my girl Noah" then Lee sees the book and says "really Rachel you are helping her to seduce my brother"  I grin because at least now I know where this side of Shelly came from and I love it.

We ended up walking down the beach just talking and holding hands. I loved just being with Shelly.  This damn suit is going to be the death of me.  Even though her fucking hand is in mine guys are still checking her out.  I couldn't help myself I had to mark my territory every time one of those asshats checked her out or whistled at her I would grab her yank her up against me and kiss her.  I also wanted the girls checking me out to know I was off the market so I would bend down grab her ass and pick her up so she could wrap her legs around my waist as I kissed her.  I wanted her to know I needed her to know just like I wanted everyone to know she was mine.  I wanted them also to know I was hers.  I could tell Shelly was trying to keep track of our kisses, but I made sure that not only were they plentiful they were also mind-numbing.  I made sure to tell her after each one that I loved her.  When we got back to the house, we ate dinner there since we were letting Rachel and Lee go out.  Afterward, we went to bed, and I pulled her close, and she rested her head on my chest.   We fell asleep holding each other before she drifted off I made sure she would hear me say. "As much as I love making love to you. I love this just as much." Only because it was true even though making love to her mind-blowing and pure bliss just holding her warmed my heart because I knew she was mine and I knew that I would wake up holding her close to my heart.

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