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The next morning I was heading down to the kitchen hoping MY sweet Shelly was there.  I needed to apologize for what I said.  I never meant for her to think I thought she was a slut.  I know she isn't she is an angel that is just out of my reach.  As I walk into the kitchen I see her sitting there eating her breakfast.  She glances at me and walks out to the pool with her plate to finish her breakfast.  I sigh and grab myself something to eat.  I see her walk back in and I watch her rinse her plate and put it in the dishwasher.  I look at her and I feel my heart ache because I know that look on her face of pain and hatred is my fault. "Shelly Please..." she cut me off "I meant it don't talk to me."  I watched her turn away and go down to the basement and I stand there I groan and run my hand through my hair. I see Lee head down with the contents of the refrigerator to make room for the drinks.  Damn it why did I say that to her.  I am so stupid now she won't even fucking talk to me.  She comes back up and I try again "Shelly...she placed the case of sodas on the counter and heads back down.  I scream "Ahh damn this shit."   I hear Lee say "Just one case of the diet and we are done." she says "ok"  I see him with two cases and head downstairs.  I see her with the case and take it out of her hands and set it down on the counter.  I pick her up and place her on the counter "Ok enough we need to talk.  I am so sorry for what I called you last night.  I am just trying to let you know what other guys would think of you."  I lean in I can't help myself her lips are so sweet and inviting and I just have to smell her scent that drives my core soaring.  She pushes me back and jumps down "since you are down here you can take the last case up."  Damn it why does she have to be the one I want and love.  I go upstairs with the case and put it on the counter.  I watch Lee start to fill up the refrigerator.  "What is wrong with you?  First, you're yelling up here now in the basement." "Nothing I am just aggravated Shelly is upset with me for something I said and she won't let me apologize."  "So, that is why she went storming into the guest room."  "What the hell did you say to her down there."  "No, this was last night.  It is the reason I punched a hole in the walls."  "Walls and in more than one."  "Yep, I am going upstairs to fix them now."

I go into my room and start to fix the holes there because I know the first thing Lee is going to do is go to the guest room after he is done with the refrigerator.  Sure enough, I hear him knock on the door and I hear her ask who it is and if I am with Lee.  Why do I always stick my foot in my mouth when it comes to her.  I sneak over to the guest room and start to fix the hole there.  Yeah, I  know trying to listen in is bad but I have to know.  This is my Shelly I need to know if she will forgive me.

Lee: What is wrong Twin

Shelly: I don't know I am confused.

Lee: What happened last night. Noah said you were mad at him because of something he said last night.

Shelly: He was upset that I made out with Lewis last night.

Lee: really cool. Damn now it is no longer ironic you running a kissing booth.

Damnit Lee that is what you're upset about that the irony of her running a kissing booth is ruined because she kissed a guy.  She kissed a guy and it wasn't me that is what you should be upset about.

Lee: This is more than my asshat brother being mad you had a makeout session what else happened.

Shelly: He asked me if I was going to sleep with Lewis like some slut.

Lee: Damn him.

Shelly: Lee when you hold Rachel or kiss her how do you feel.

Lee: I thought you didn't want to hear about that.

Shelly: Please Lee I need to understand something.

Lee: What Shells tell me

 Shit just when it sounds like she is not sure about this Lewis guy the damn doorbell rings.  I go downstairs and answer the door and low and behold who is it the asshat Lewis.  I let him come in and even though I don't want to I tell him Elle is upstairs to the left of the stairs the last door at the end of the hall.  Why I told him I don't know?  Maybe I have finally decided that I should just let her be happy.  No, I know why because it sounds like she is confused by Lewis and if she is then I still have a chance.  I hear Lee come downstairs and next thing I know he is shoving me.

Lee:  The next time you insinuate that Elle is a slut or anything like that I swear Noah I will kick your ass.  You have her crying up there. 

Me:  Look I didn't mean it that way.  I meant to let her know she needs to take it slow they just met and you know the gossip is at school.

Lee:  Well you did it wrong.  Noah, she looks up to you as a brother and you just destroyed her.

Me:  I never meant to Lee.  I am just trying to protect her.

Lee:  Noah, is there more to this than just you protecting her.

Me:  No, come on Lee she is like my little sister.

Lee:  I don't think so.  Just to let you know a lot of the guys are starting to think the reason you don't want anyone to date Elle is because you want to.  Just thought you should know and I think so too.

Shit, I guess the only one that doesn't know is My sweet Shelly.  I don't care I love her and I ache to hold her in my arms.  When I picked her up earlier I felt complete.  Hell, I still feel her small waist in my hands.  This girl is driving me crazy and now she is upstairs with that guy in the guest room."  Ah, the doorbell again...

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