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I had just finished putting on my tie which I had bought to match Shelly's dress, of course, I didn't tell her I was going to do that, but when I saw her dress in Lee's car, I knew I had to match.  Even though today marked an end to a chapter in my life and I was happy about it no more high school, no more stupid cheerleader shaking their pom poms in my face and a clean slate ahead of me where I won't have to deal with girls that want a make-out session with me.  Also, no more having to hear anyone tell me when Shelly wasn't around that she wasn't good enough for me or listen to them call her a bitch because I chose her.  As for the worse part of this chapter ending it meant next year the only person Shelly would have to look after her is Lee and he is not very intimidating.  I hope my threats before today sunk in with the guys and they leave her alone because I will come home and put them in the hospital if they go near my girl.  The idea of being away from her in a couple of months is killing me but what can I say before Shelly Harvard was my dream school as well as Shelly's that is the only reason why I didn't give it up.  I have to keep telling myself that.  I will come home for visits and breaks and then next fall she will be with me.  I do not doubt that my Shelly will get into Harvard next year she is just too damn smart and with her athletic ability and all the money she and Lee made this past year with that stupid kissing booth she is sure to get accepted.

As Pomp and Circumstance began and I started to walk forward being the valedictorian I couldn't help but glance around for my Shelly it didn't take me long to find her since she was sitting with my parents, Lee, her dad and the little man himself Brad.  Damn, she looks so hot in that blue dress.  I love the way the color blue makes her skin stand out.  It is funny people would think that I prefer girls dressed a little more risque since those were the types of girls I made out with before Elle but the only reason I messed with those girls was that they were the exact opposite of my Shelly.  She was conservative leaving a lot to the imagination the most revealing outfit she ever wore besides her bikini's at my house and that stupid skirt at the beginning of the year is her soccer uniform and even that the shorts hit mid-thigh and the top was like our football jerseys.  Oops almost missed the principal calling me up to give my speech.

A lot has happened these last four years here at Buckner Hall for all of us.  When we all entered our freshman year, we were told that to continue attending we had to maintain educational excellence so we could achieve our dreams.  As I look out at my classmates, I can tell you all are surprised to see me here today as your valedictorian since you all only saw me as Bad Boy Flynn.  Little did you all know it was all an act and behind the scenes, I worked hard to keep my grades up.  All this proves is that don't judge a book by it's cover.  I say this merely to let you all know that when we enter the world beyond our childhood, we need to look at all the facts that are presented to us.  Don't take the easy way out.  Investigate and if the information you find will make you happy in the long run even if it means leaving the people you love behind for a while taking the chance.  As Robert Frost 

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

So go forth and choose your path.

After the principle said goodbye to us all I could think about was finding my Shelly.  I saw the look in her eyes from the stage when I got my diploma she knew that this meant I would be leaving her soon.  I hate to think about the fact in two months I will not see her every day.  Not only will I miss her because I plan on marrying her someday, but also because since the day she was born she has been a part of my life every day.  Well except when I would go away to football camp but even then most of the time I could hear her in the background when I called home yelling at Lee.  Now I couldn't guarantee we would get to talk every day, but I would try I had to let her know she is my life.  I finally find her, and I see the doubt in her eyes.  I don't understand why she doesn't see herself as the beauty she is and doubts that I will not lose interest in her.  No one compares to her she is my light.  As I walk up to her, I wrap my arms around her " I know Shelly baby, I promise we will try." 

The summer flew, by the way, to fast for me.  My whole family and Shelly all came to drop me off at the airport and say goodbye I was not ready to go to Boston and leave my Shelly behind.  I couldn't believe that Shelly had tried to bow out going to the airport, so she didn't have to deal with watching me leave. When I heard her telling Lee she wasn't going I begged her to go saying I wanted to spend every last second with her. Once we reached the terminal, I gave each of my family one last hug. They all stepped away to give Shelly and me some alone time, and I looked down at her smiled and said "I love you I will be back soon. You will be the first person I call when I land." She smiled and said, "better not be, call your mom first then me." "O.K. Shelly, take care and please be safe I can't lose you now that I finally have you." "You too, no picking fights or make-out sessions." "I will try not to fight and as for the make-out sessions only if they are with you." She smiled and said, "I love you and will miss you." I hugged her tight kissed her deeply and passionately then whispered "I promise we will make it work. I love you. You are my life." With that, I turned and walked away stopping just before I would lose sight of her and I turned around blew her a kiss and winked.

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