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I heard Lee make plans to take Rachel and My sweet Shelly to the arcade.  This is nothing new since both Lee and Shelly like to play the DDR game and dance to the song Be Together.  Those two dorks even have a dance routine to it.  I arrived at the arcade just as Lee and Shelly finished their song.  I watched them high five and hug each other.  I also noticed this guy across the way watching My sweet Shelly.  I noticed Rachel whisper something to Shelly and I watched her turn around and look behind her.  Yep, just what I thought Rachel noticed the guy checking out Shelly and was telling her about him.  He was nothing special about my height 6'5" with jet black hair that hit his collar and a leather jacket I think he has on a red t-shirt, jeans and, are you kidding me a cowboy hat and boots.  I chuckle to myself seriously dude this is Cali, not Texas.  I even notice that Rachel walks up to Lee and throws her arms around him and plants a kiss.  Oh, so that is how she is going to play it.  Let the guy know that she is Lee's girl and not Shelly so he has a clear playing field.  I don't think so Rachel Shelly is mine all mine.  I see Lee introduce himself and Rachel as his girl by pulling her up against him by her waist and I know he has introduced Shelly as his BF/Twin since all he does is drape his arm around her shoulders like he always does.

I watch them sit down and Lee ask Rachel what she wants.  She says pizza.  Since Shelly is not there on a date she pulls out her wallet and that asshat tells her it is his treat.  Great just great Lee tells him what Shelly wants instead of making him ask.  I watch how Lee and that asshat take off to get what the girls ordered, of course, my Shelly is getting a burger, fries and her signature strawberry shake.  Where she puts it I don't know she is so tiny I always freak out with the amount of food she puts away.  Oh, here we go they are back and it looks like Lee and Shelly are having one of their twin conversations just by staring at each other in the eye.  I hear Rachel say "just give them a sec they are having a conversation.  IF you are around them long enough you get used to it."  Great Rachel make it easy for him.  I see Lee nod and hear Shelly say "Ok here goes our mothers were best friends forever.  What makes this whole situation amazing is that Lee and I were born on the same day at the same time.  So, naturally, our mothers planned all our birthday's together raising us as twins.  Didn't help matters that as we got older Lee and I grew so close we actually can figure out what the other is saying.  Our families are so close that we have family dinner every Sunday together."  I grin eat that asshat every Sunday she is with me.  The whole time this is going on I am giving him my death glare.

All of a sudden I hear that asshat open his mouth again "That is cool.  Can I ask you something"  Shelly looks at him and smiles "sure what is it"  I see him glance at me "Do you have a boyfriend?"  Not yet asshat but soon she is mine leave her alone.  I wish I could tell him.  Of course Shelly tells him the truth by saying "nope why" Oh, shit I am so busted.  "Well, that guy over there looks like he wants to kick my ass."  As he points to me she glances at me and sees that I am giving the asshat the stank eye.  She smiles at me and what the fuck did My sweet Shelly really just flip me off.  I can't believe it, My sweet innocent angel, Shelly flipped me off.  I am putting a stop to this shit now.  I hear Lee say "Let me guess Noah"  Wait what I can't believe Shelly just said that she is going to castrate me in my sleep.  Oh crap, now that is doing things to me the thought of Shelly grabbing my dick is driving me insane.  I saunter over.  "Hey, Shelly"  she looks up at me and says "Hey Noah go away" before looking back at this guy.  He looks at her and raises an eyebrow.  Wait, hold the phone did he just try to smirk at her.  Ok time to explain to this asshat Shelly is off limits.

  "Hi I am Flynn and she is off limits" Great really smooth Flynn.  He smiles at me and replies "Howdy I am Lewis and that is up to the little lady whether or not she is off limits."  First off no one gives My sweet Shelly a nickname but me.  Second, no one tells me she is not off limits.  I walk up to Shelly throw her over my shoulder and head for the door.  The whole time she is punching my back yelling "Damn it Noah put me down"  "Stop using your damn muscles..."  She get's cut off when my path is blocked by that fucking Lewis guy and he looks at me and says "The Little lady obviously doesn't want you carting her about like a bail of hay so how about you put her down and treat her with some respect."  Shelly looks at me and I know she sees my jaw is tightening.  I set her on her feet and of all the people to be close to us that I know will not hurt her because he knows what will happen it had to be Tuppen.  I say "Tuppen take Shelly now."  I want her out of the way so I could beat up this asshat.  I throw a punch and he dodges it.  Oh, now I am really pissed I throw another punch and again he dodges it.  Before I could tackle him and wail on the guy Security arrives and escorts me out since I was the only one throwing punches.  Seriously do they not realize now they have left the field wide open for that Lewis guy.  "Ahh, I was hoping we both would be thrown out,"  I yell to the night sky.

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