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She just looked at me "knock it off my dad will hear you."  That is what she is worried about her dad hearing I am mad at her.  "He is not here Damn it, Shelly, you know how worried I was we know nothing about this guy and you were alone with him for a couple of hours and then to find out Lee was expecting you guys and you didn't show.  I have been going crazy."  I tell her hoping she understands I worry about her safety.  She looks at me "Noah you need to stop I have a right to have a life."  Ahh, this is getting us nowhere.  "He was not even in school today he probably is not even in high school."  Let her explain that one.  I bet she doesn't even know he could be a pervert.  She takes a deep breath and shakes her head looking at me "He attends Norwood High that is why you didn't see him in school today.  Did you ever think of that one?"  I take a step closer to her because she just doesn't get.  Ok, I need to be close to her.  I am already having trouble breathing just being in her house alone with her.  Damn how I wish I could be alone with her anywhere.  I notice I have her back is up against the wall and I can't be happier because now she can't go anywhere.  "I am just trying to protect you here."  I lean in close to get my point across and I notice her breath catch in her throat.  I feel my heart speed up knowing I am causing her body to react this way.  God, I want to hold her in my arms and make her mine.  All of a sudden I hear a key in the door I step back "So, he goes to Norwood High well I am looking in to it I don't trust him and you should not go out with him again until I say so"  She glares at me "Noah you do not tell me what to do I will see Lewis if I want now, leave."  I storm out the door and almost knock over Brad.  "oops sorry little man"  Max looks at me "What is going on Noah."  "Oh, Shelly she doesn't understand that I just want to keep her safe and she needs to not be walking home after dark by herself."  "Thanks, Noah I always know my little girl is safe because of you."

I get home and I can tell Lee is on the phone with My sweet Shelly because he just explained about me leaving here to go to her house.  I couldn't help myself I started pacing "she let him kiss her damn it. It wasn't a long kiss just a brush of his lips damn it."  What am I going to do now?  I can't intimidate that asshat if he is not even in the same school as me.  "Shit I don't like this at all."  All of a sudden Lee is standing in front of me.  "Just so you know they are coming over tomorrow don't be an ass ok."  "Are you two going to the party store tomorrow?"  "Yeah, don't worry I will hide the stuff from M&D."  "Ok goodnight lil' bro"

The next day all I could think about was that this Lewis guy was going to be at my house and see My sweet Shelly in one of her damn bikini's she likes to wear to sunbathe.  Maybe he won't show.  I know the public schools get out later than we do because we start before they do.  So, maybe he won't' show after all at least I hope.  I hear Lee and Shelly come in and then I hear that asshat compliment her on everything she wears.  I couldn't help myself and I grunt at his comment and storm into my room.  I hear Shelly come running upstairs because I know she needs to change.  So I sneak downstairs just to hear my mom say "hey honey go check to see if Elle has any dirty clothes.  If she does can you get them for me."  I grin "sure mom"  Yeah anything so I can steal some alone time with her.  I see her walk out of Lee's room "My mom said to get the dirty clothes do you have any?"  She looks  at me "Hang on they are in Lee's hamper."  I smirk yep that is how often she is here she just throws her dirty clothes in one of our hampers.  She walks into Lee's room and I follow her even though I know it is not necessary and close the door.  "did you have to bring him here when you know I don't trust him." She glares at me.  Damn I love that glare she is so hot when she uses it. "well now you can get to know him."  She grabs her clothes and thrusts them at me.  I watch her walk down the stairs and see how that Lewis guy didn't like the fact that we were alone in Lee's room with the door closed or that I am holding her panties and bra.  Damn, her clothes do smell nice.  My mom's voice pulls me out of my thoughts "Noah, did you get Elle's clothes or not.  Since Max and Brad are going with us she is staying here till Monday and she will need that uniform clean."  "Yes, mom putting them in the shoot now."  I hear my mom explain where her bag is for the weekend and remind her of the fact that her and Lee are too old to be sharing a bed.  Which I am so grateful for I have hated it these last few years that they would sleep together.  I hear MY sweet Shelly agree and send goodbye hugs and kisses to the rest of the family.  I couldn't help but feel smug that Lewis heard she will be staying in my house this weekend.

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