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I watch them walk out to the pool from behind my curtains.  I see Shelly strip off her shirt and shorts.  Damn, that was so hot. I could watch her forever.  She has just finished putting on sunscreen on the places she can reach.  "Hey let me get that if the California sun is anything like the Texas sun you will burn and we can't have that."  I see her flop over.  Unfortunately, that is when my mom tells me "Ok, time to go."  I tear myself away and head out to drop my parents off at the airport.  On the way there I keep picturing that asshat rubbing her back.  I almost drove past the damn airport I was so engrossed in my thoughts.  My mom looks at me "You ok sweetheart."  "Yeah, mom sorry I was thinking about what we are going to do this weekend."  "Ok, well you kids behave yourselves.  Also, Noah please don't give Elle too much grief about this new boy she is not a little girl anymore and you need to let her grow up."  "Mom, I just worry about her she is like my little sister."  Yeah like I am going to tell my mom hey mom the girl you think of as a daughter I am madly in love with her.  "Yeah, I know sweetheart but she needs to grow up."  "I will try mom I am just so used to protecting her and Lee."  My parents get out and head inside and I pull away.  I need to get back before too much happens while I am gone.  He already had his damn hands all over her bare back.

I get back and see Lee an Rachel in the game room making out.  Those two I think they spend all their alone time in a lip lock.  Wait a minute if they are in here where the hell is My sweet Shelly and that Asshat.  His damn truck was still out front.  I walk towards the pool since I heard him say "just follow my lead but if at anytime you want to stop just push me back ok"  She says "OK"  I see him lean in and Kisses her lightly.  Ok asshat that is enough.  I could tell when the kiss deepened I turned away from the sight before me as I felt my heart shatter.  I just lost that as well.  Now, this Lewis Asshat will forever be the guy to give her, her first kiss.  I take a moment to compose myself before heading out there.  I know it is too late to stop him stealing her first kiss but I am not going to be a party to watching them make out.  I yell "Ok break it up we need to start cleaning up now."  I head inside ready to kill Lewis.  Even though I know we can get this house clean in no time my mom is very annul about it I just don't want her making out with that guy here.  Shelly ran up and showered which I knew she would because with her light brown hair the chlorine could mess it up plus it dries out her hair.  I see him walk up behind her and kiss the base of her neck.  ahh come on dude I wonder if you realize how close you are to becoming a statistic.  It took us an hour to get the whole house clean and the refrigerator emptied and stocked with soda.  I noticed Rachel and Lee were gone again.  I storm up to my room because I have no excuse to prevent them from making out.  When I hear "I think I should go that Flynn guy looks like he is at his tether with me here.  Are you sure your safe with him?"  What like I would ever hurt My sweet Shelly.  You, on the other hand, I want in a body bag.  Then I hear that voice  ahh the voice that keeps me up at night.  "yes I am safe with him Noah would sooner hurt himself before he ever hurts me."  Well, you are wrong there Shelly I would sooner kill myself before I ever hurt you.  I hear the door close and I step out of my room just as I know she is going to pass my door.  "So, you already let him kiss you?"  She barely glances at me "Noah please you of all people have no right to lecture me."  She walks right by me.  So I follow her and before she closes the door to the guest room I walk in and close it behind me.  "What and tomorrow you plan on sleeping with him like a little slut."  OH, shit did I really just say that.  She stares at me for a second before she slaps me so hard that my head actually moved and my cheek is stinging.  The look in her eyes as she is pushing me out breaks my heart.  She looks as if I have torn her heart right out of her chest.  "I hate you don't ever talk to me again."  She slams the door in my face and I hear her throw herself across the bed.  Tears start to fall down my face.  I just devastated My sweet Shelly. I slam my fist in the wall leaving a big hole in the wall right next to the guest room door.

I went outside and started working on my punching bag.  yelling at myself "how could you be so fucking stupid.  You just called the sweetest most innocent girl in school a slut.  Now she will never want me.  Not even as a friend."   Lee walks in "hey what happened why is there a whole in the wall by the guest room Shells is sleeping in."  "Don't worry about it Lee I will fix it later it is not the first time."  "fine but it better be fixed before M&D get home."  "Don't worry it will."  I go up to my room and punch a few holes in my bedroom wall.  Before falling on my bed letting the tears flow.  I whisper to the silence "I think I just destroyed the best thing in my life."

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