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The next morning Rachel and Shelly were at the pool sunning themselves by the pool. I heard her tell Rachel about last night.   Rachel made me blush and feel good when she said: "ahh, he is such a gentleman you are so lucky, Elle." "yeah I know. The thing is I know I want to, but I am so afraid once I do I will lose him" "Elle, I doubt that by now he would have given up. As for taking that step you can't do it unless you are ready. If you do it before your ready, it can ruin your relationship." Rachel is so right I will not make her do something when she is not ready.  I could have left by now most guys would have.  I don't know how many times we have been so close, but I will not make her go that far because our first time together will be special especially since it is her first time.  So, she needs to know that she is all that matters.

Later that night I took Shelly out just the two of us.  I wanted us to have a special date while we were here to let her know that just being with her is good enough for me.   We went to eat dinner at a burger joint.  Ok I know I said I wanted it to be unique, but to my girl, a triple cheeseburger fries and a milkshake is unique since it is her favorite meal.  We talked about how much I was glad we were finally together.  I held her hand steadily through the night.   Barely letting it go long enough so we could eat.   To me she was the only other person in the room.  Damn, I forgot the effect she has on me.  I always had to concentrate so hard at our family dinners because just looking at her would make the room fade away and all I could see was her.   The worst part of the night was when this stupid slut and I am only calling her that because I am sitting here holding Shelly's hand and she flirts with  me.   I reach up to grab her hand and drop it then looked at her and said "can you see I am here with my fiancee" she looked at him and said, "you can't be serious you are way out of her league." What did this bitch just say about my girl.  If it wasn't for the fact she was a girl I would have put her through the damn wall.  I stand up take Shelly's  hand and look at her and says  "well actually all I can see is that she has more class then you which makes her perfect for me."  The look on that sluts face when I said this was perfect.   I lead Shelly out the door and to the car.   We get in and drive back to the beach house.  I lead her to the deck where  help take off her shoes then I removes mine and lead her down the beach. Where we walk hand in hand talking about our future.   I say  "How much he hates the idea of leaving her in the fall but I want her to work hard so she can join me in a year.   After a while I led me back to the house and we dusted off our feet before we headed inside. I   looked down at her and she tells me  "you know tonight was perfect. I love you so much Noah.  I can't believe you are mine when you could have any girl in school or anywhere for that matter."   "I have the girl I want the only one I want. I lean down and brush my lips against hers. I brush my tongue along her lips seeking entrance as soon as she allows me entrance I slide my tongue inside and along hers reveling in the sweet seductive taste of her mouth. I kiss her deep pulling her against me.   I feel her run her hands up my arms and start to run her fingers through my hair tugging ever so slightly.  I groan I love when she tugs my hair that alone can send my mind shifting to other things I would love to do to her.  I  run my hands down her back and down her butt lifting her up so she could wrap her arms around my waist.   I push her up against the wall as I slowly kiss down her neck.   She  throws her head back giving me  more access. As I slowly kiss down, I realize where this is going so I  pause as my lips graze my cleavage. I look into her eyes questioning if she wants me to continue when I hear her say  "yes, Noah" my breath catches.  I  turn and start walking down the hall placing kisses on her skin I can reach.   I am fighting to take her up against the wall in the hallway.  I have to remind myself that her first time with not be me taking her hard and fast but slow and gentle to prove she is everything to me.  Eventually, we are in our room, and I lay her down on our bed, and I can tell she has realized she is ready to give herself entirely to me.

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