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I knew that Lee had stepped in it when he outed the fact that Shelly and I had made love.  Granted I knew Lee was trying to embarrass my Shelly by doing what he did but he should have known better.  One thing I know about my girl is that if you deliberately upset her, she will get you back.  You out her to our parents she will make you pay and wish you had never done what you did.  If our parents had not figured out what Lee was up to, she would have only posted the one picture of Lee pretending to have muscles and kissing his arm.  Well unfortunately for him they figured out his lame jokes, and now she is on the warpath.

The following day I hear everyone laughing, and I look down at my phone, and I see a bunch of pink balloons coming out of Lee's locker with his picture on them, and a banner said hope the sex change is going well.  The thing is he opened it at the end of the day during peak traffic time at school.  I know Elle didn't take the picture since she was in it but I could not believe she was able to rope someone else into helping her with this prank.  The next day I couldn't find Shelly anywhere and all of a sudden I heard Lee scream and Rachel laughing her ass off.  I see Elle sprint out of Lee's room, and I know what has happened.  I check out Elle's social media sites and see a picture of Lee and Rachel on one side of his bed on the bed are girly magazines, a bottle of lube and one sock.  There was her caption #Rulenumber2.

She had a week's worth of pics. All leading up to the main event where all the gang showed up, a to the house.  I watched Shelly harras, Lee, until he aggravated that he stomped off.  I thought to myself seriously you are playing into her hands.  I couldn't help but wonder what exactly she had planned for him.  I watched as everyone ran under the awning except Shelly she was now in the pool.  I see Duncan off to the side hiding with his phone out.  I walk up to her and ask "what are you up to Shelly?" about this time right on cue Lee yells Geronimo and jumps in. I watch her dive under grab his trunks pull and swim to the side and climb out. I look at her standing there holding Lee's trunks in her hand.  Everyone is laughing, and Lee looks at her and says ahh come on Shelly. I shake my head at her smirking.  Why does my brother even try to embarrass her in front of people?  That is when Tuppen yells "wow I thought Evans was the one that wanted to skinny dip." Duncan snaps the pic, and I guess he sends it to shelly because soon after her social media page has it on there with her usual caption. There was poor Lee in the pool holding his junk with her standing there holding his trunks in her hand above his head.

Later that night Shelly and I were laying out by the pool when I spoke up "Shelly baby, I think Lee has paid the price enough" She giggled  "yeah, I know I am done the whole swimming trunk thing was the last punishment." I shook my head "Lee should know by now not to make you mad all you are going to do is prank him."  She looked at me and smiled before saying "you do realize that this is still not over. Lee is going to have to live through a few more days of teasing." I shook my head "yeah especially after that whole sex change thing." "true, the swimming trunks thing has boosted his ego with some girls saying he has a cute butt." I growl "you better not be one of them." She looks up at me and says "well it is cute, but yours is hot and all mine." I nuzzle her neck and nip it before saying "you better not be checking out my lil' bro you are mine." She throws her head back and laughs "never, I am all yours Noah. I love your ass." Next thing I know she is straddling me leaning down and starts to kiss me. I pull her closer just when a flash goes off, and I hear laughing as I see Lee running away. She shakes her head just as our phones ping there is the picture of Shelly and me kissing with #myfavecouple. I look up at her  "I take it that is his big apology." "yep, it is. This means a lot to me, Noah." I look at her and wipe a tear away that has started to fall. "I know Shelly baby it means he has finally accepted us being together." I pull her close and kiss her deep leaving her breathless. After we break away from the kiss, I hold her close to me and couldn't help but think I love this girl so much at least I know she will always keep me guessing.

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