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 When I get to Elle's to pick her up Max invites me to sit down in the kitchen. "So, son last night with how quiet you were and how much Elle looked like she was going to kill Lee or die of embarrassment I started thinking. I racked my brain about what was so bad about the conversation going on at the table that had you and Elle looking and acting as if you did not want to be there. Then it hit me Lee's comments Popping cherries in his mouth, protection from his cherry pie." I feel myself turning red with embarrassment and anger towards my brother. "I figured out that Lee was teasing you two about what went on during your spring break, more importantly, that you took my daughter's innocence away by having sexual intercourse. I am not happy about this at all but unfortunately what is done is done. I hope and expect you both used protection and if these activities continue you better make sure she does not get pregnant. You also better not hurt my daughter now that you have stolen her innocence. You also better not have forced her to do so." I look at Max "Sir, one I did not expect for what happened this trip to occur. I just wanted to spend my last spring break from high school with Elle. As for protection yes we used some. As for it happening again, that is all up to Elle I do not want her to feel pressured. It only happened once sir, and if she decided we have to wait until we get married, or she is older to be together like that again then so be it."

We hear Elle coming downstairs, and she glances at me at the kitchen table. The look she gives me I know that she can tell I am horrified at the conversation I just had with her dad. Right before we set out to leave she grabs a piece of toast and I hear mat say "I am glad about that." She runs outside behind me, and I look down at her skirt I can't help but shake my head and say "after that conversation I wish you hadn't worn a skirt." She looks at me as I climb on and hand her a helmet helping her put it on before assisting her to climb on behind me. Just as I finished strapping my helmet on, I say "your dad figured out Lee's jokes last night before bed." and kick start my bike as we head off to school. I feel her bury her head in my back and groan.

Once at school my Shelly storms up to Lee and give him a good old Gibbs slap. He yell's "hey what was that for." before she could answer him I say "the little conversation Max had with me this morning about what happened at the beach house." Lee gulps and says "sorry guys I didn't know." all of a sudden Shelly's phone pings and she looks down at it and reads it then groans. I look at her and raise an eyebrow, and she shows me the message noticing it was from my mom. I look at the three of them and say great, and I give Lee another smack upside the head. "now, what was that for." "mom just figured it out asshat. She wants to talk to Elle and me today after school." Shelly looks at Lee "you are so dead, You are so lucky that taking you down means I take Rachel down." She turns and walks off.

After Shelly and I arrive at my house, I walk in holding her hand hoping that mom isn't home. As soon as she hears the door close, we hear "if that is you and Noah Elle, please come in here." We walk into her study, and she tells me to wait outside she needs to ask Shelly something first. I nod and step outside watching Shelly close the door. Even though I know my mom wants this conversation to be private, I try to listen in through the vent in the laundry room.

Mom: don't worry sweetheart you are not in trouble. I am talking to you because your father is a little embarrassed about broaching this subject with you ok

Elle: yes, June Ok

Mom: Look there is no easy way to put this, so I am just going to ask you. Did my son pressure you?

What the hell mom, seriously I love Elle I want to spend time with her. Yeah sure the sex was great, but I can wait. Then I hear my girl.

Elle: Just the opposite June. He made sure every step of the way I was ready for us to take our relationship further.

Mom: ok, good I am sorry it took me a while to figure it out, but this morning it kept going round and round in my head why would Lee say Pop a cherry in my mouth. Then it hit me. Next thing I thought including your dad was that you felt pressured because of Noah's reputation. So, you didn't right.

Elle: Yes, June. He told several girls that insinuated that he wasn't going to get that from me because of innocence and he said to them that he was willing to wait until we were married.

Mom: ok now let me call him in.

Thank God mom's office isn't too far from the laundry room, so I dart outside the laundry room and lean against the wall. Walk in and sit down in the chair next to Elle grabbing her hand. Now I know I need to act like I didn't hear the conversation so I start off with the answer to the questions I know she would be curious about.

Me: Mom, one I did not pressure her. Even now if she says she wants to wait I will wait just because it has happened doesn't mean I expect it again. Two, we used protection mom. I had this conversation with Max this morning.

Mom: Ok, I take it you two know what you're doing we don't necessarily condone it you two are far too young, but I am glad you are safe and responsible. Now get.

We get up and run out the door and to my room. I look at her and say "my lil' bro is so dead." "Yes, pay back is a bitch." She giggles and I look at her "I have stage one." She runs to Lee's room and pulls out a picture of him standing in a pair of shorts with his hands in the air trying to show off his muscles or lack there of and kissing one arm she take a picture of it then She grabs her swimming suit and sends me to change. When I step outside my phone pings, and I look at it and see the picture Shelly took with the caption #rulenumhbertwotwin #leeflyn #flynnN. I see Rachel check her phone and she starts laughing so hard she nearly falls off the lounger she is laying on. Lee jumps out of the pool grabs his phone and says "hey come on Shelly why would you do that." before she could answer Rachel says "you so should have kept your mouth shut at dinner yesterday."

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