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I look down at her and ask "are you sure" She says "yes, Noah"  She pulls me down and our lips meet again. I sweep my tongue along her lips and she opens them to invite me in. I drag my hands down her side to the bottom of her shirt. I pause again and look into her eyes and she smiles up at me and sits up to allow me to pull off her shirt. As she lays back down I growl because the site before me is mesmerizing and even though I have seen her in a bikini this scrap of lace she calls a bra is damn right sexy. "Damn, Shelly you are so beautiful."  I start to place kisses along her neck and slowly work my way down. My hands start to shake as I wrap my arm around her back to remove her bra.  Once I have the bra in my hand I fling it across the room and glance down at the bounty before me.  My eyes devour her beautiful round firm breasts.  I reach out and clasp one breast with my hand and start to pinch her nipple. I hear her  sigh "oh, Noah...yes" Just as I was leaning down to suckle her other nipple I couldn't help but smile at the sound of my name on lips before I wrap my lips around the nipple flicking it with my tongue and lightly running my teeth across it.  I continues to suckle one breast while my other hand starts to travel down  as she grasps my hair urging me on.  I decide that I have to taste both of her luscious mounds, so I switch breasts and start lavishing the second with the same ministrations. I feel her body trembling and arching beneath me, and I feel my pulse quicken.  No other girl has ever made me feel this content while I was pleasuring them as my Shelly.  I start to kiss my way back up to her mouth and give her another kiss that pulls a moan from her lips. She finally reaches down and pull off my shirt bearing my chest to her heated gaze and hands.   She starts to dust my chest with kisses.  Not that I don't enjoy it because damn Shelly's lips on my exposed skin are mind-blowing, but I stop her.  I have decided tonight is all about me pleasuring her for the gift she is giving me.  One know one can ever take from me and one I will cherish till the day I die.  So I  gently push her down and tell her,  "No, Shelly this is about me worshiping you and what you are giving me tonight." I starts to kiss down her body again. When I reach her waistband, I pull off her shorts and panties exposing the treasure she hides beneath to my heated glare. I start to feather kisses up her thigh and I flick out my tongue against her most intimate spot just to go to her other thigh kissing it as well. I start to  inch up and when I get to the jewel between her legs I instantly wrap my lips around her clit and start sucking, nipping and licking.   I feel her bury her hands in my hair arching against me.   I feel her body start to tremble more and more and hear her breathing becoming more erratic with every breath and I know her release is close.  I feel her arch one last time and scream my name as her body tightens and then releases as her Orgasm has crested.   I crawl back up her body smiling.   She look at me and asks "is that it?"I shake my head no and reply"that is just the beginning." That simple question reminds me just how truly innocent this beauty in my bed is and how precious what we are sharing this night.  I start to kiss her again this time deeper. I wrap my arms around her and roll over pulling her on top of me.  She leans down and starts kissing me and realize I feel my self harden as she kisses me straddling my manhood.  I start to feel her squirm and I see that she has realized that it helped release the ache she must have been experiencing in her core.  Feeling her squirm against me and how much I enjoyed it must have shown on my face and in my eyes because she leans down and kiss me and moves her hips against my dick.   I couldn't take it anymore and I grab her and flip her over so she is lying beneath me.  I jump off the bed and strip off the rest of my clothes and lay back against her and let my hand travel down to touch her again. I slide a finger inside her and I hear her moan again. I lean down because I know I need to explain to her I have to get her ready for what is to come so she will enjoy it more.  Because to me right now her enjoyment is the most important thing.  I whisper to her  "this is just to get you ready for me." Eventually I hold himself above her and hold out a condom and ask "want me to teach you how to put this on." She smiles and says "well, they showed us in health class" It surprised me a little bit when she leans close to me and grasps me in her hand I feel electricity shoot through my body.  I watch her while she is pinching the end of the condom slipping it on erection I couldn't help but shudder.   I start to kiss her again slowly taking her back down to the bed. As we lay on the bed I stare in her eyes again before I slide the tip of my penus teasing her entrance. As I slowly start to push in, she lets her eyes drift close, and I say "don't I want to see your eyes this first time please Shelly baby. I need to know this is what you want."  She smiles up at me and opens her eyes staring into mine. I slowly push in and out. With each thrust in I push more of myself inside her. When I feel my hips against her, she smiles up at me and begins to move again, and she wraps her legs around my waist. I start to thrust faster and harder. I gasp, her name, and I hear mine leave her lips with each thrust.  Making love to Shelly is like nothing I have ever felt before.  For once I feel complete as if I am home that this is where I belong wrapped in my sweet Shelly's arms.   As we both reach that explosion, we cry out each other's name together.  I collapse next to her and pull her into my arms. I whisper "damn Shelly, that was amazing. I love you"  She grins and says "yes it was Noah and I love you too" She cuddles up to me resting her head on my chest.

I woke up with Shelly wrapped in my arms. With her head resting on my chest.  I just laid there enjoying her sleeping watching her facial expressions as she slept and remembered the expressions from the night before.  I smile, and I feel her shift in my arms. When she glances up, I smile down at her not ashamed she has caught me watching her sleep.  She smiles and says "how long have you been up" "oh, a while. I just wanted to be the first person you saw this morning. How are you feeling." "a little sore but good."  She grins up at me and kisses my jaw.  I pull her up and kiss her deeply. I feel her pull me closer to deepen the kiss. I roll over, so I am laying across her body. I know she can feel my arousal against her thigh. I hover over her wanting to see what she is going to do.  While looking down at her, I see her smile up at me and nip my ear. I couldn't help it the fact that she knows what is coming and she nips my ear I let out a growl in her ear and say  "hmm, I think I like this side of you..."

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