Chapter 2

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Grey woke me up the next morning when he came in without knocking. He whipped open my curtains making me hide under my covers to avoid the blinding sunlight. It was his favorite way to wake me up, and it pissed me off every time. 

"Your parents aren't too happy with you," He announced turning to face me.

"Why?" I asked peeking out at him.

"They said they didn't like the way you were acting last night. So, you need to get down to breakfast and discuss your actions."

"Why would I want to do that?  I don't feel like getting yelled at?"

"Better to get yelled at now, if you wait until later, then they'll just be angrier with you and then they'll yell even more."

Damn it. Grey was right.

"I'll see you later, Your Highness," Grey said leaving. Oh how rude.  He just woke me up then left.

I got out of bed and threw on a day dress.  It was bright yellow and had pink flowers embroidered on the bottom. It was snug on top and flowed out at my hips, barely going past my knees.  I didn't bother doing my hair or putting on any makeup.  There wasn't anything special happening today. I didn't have any meetings to go to and we weren't expecting any guests. The only thing I had to worry about was studying for my upcoming history test.  Yippee.

When I got downstairs I headed for the dining room. My entire family was already sitting around the long table. When we didn't have events and it was just us, we sat at the end of the table in a little group.  Sometimes I wished we would just eat in the kitchen at a tiny table.  I felt ridiculous sitting at a long, dark mahogany table with crystal chandeliers over the top of our heads.

"Good morning, Elizabeth. How are you today?" My Father asked as I sat down next to James. James and I always sat at one side of the table, while my mother and Tori sat across from us.  My father sat at the head of the table, where a king should always sit.

"I'm good." I noticed my mother glaring up at me from across the table. Oh goody.  I must have pissed her off real good this time. 

"Here you go, Your Highness," A maid said setting down a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me.

"Thank you," I said immediately picking up a piece of bacon.

"James, Tori, can you please excuse us? Your father and I need to speak with Elizabeth," Mother said icily.

"Why?" Tori asked. Stupid Tori being stupid, as usual.  Was she seriously oblivious to how pissed off our parents were at me right now?
Just get out of here so I can get yelled at.

"Just do it," My father snapped at her.

Tori just shrugged and stood to leave. James stood and followed her while muttering stuff under his breath. Something about not getting to eat and me always ruining things. Calm down, James, you can eat in your room.  And I do not always ruin things. At least, I never ruin things on purpose.

"We need to discuss how you were acting last night," Mother said.

"How was I acting?" I asked innocently.

"Like a spoiled brat," My Father said with his teeth clenched. I hated it when he did that. It turned his soft brown eyes murderous. With the stubble on his chin and short brown hair that was graying, he looked like a serial killer when he was mad.

"Elizabeth you're supposed to speak highly of your brother. I heard you told someone he was always scatter brained," My mother said, her normally soft and calm voice rising.

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