Chapter 15

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Friday after dinner Zoey, Blair, and I went to the hospital to visit Lilia. Not that she was a great person to visit. She was just lying there, motionless. Eva, Rita, and Marcus were all in here as well. They were doing the same thing Lilia was: nothing. Some of their friends were also in here. They were having just as much fun as we were.

"I can't believe the doctors or the teachers still don't have any idea of what's going on," Zoey said.

"This is just stupid," Blair said staring down at Lilia's pale body. Then she looked up at me. "Did you ask that guy about this the last time you saw him?"

"No, I didn't get the chance to ask him," I said. I was a little distracted by the whole vampire thing.

"Then when are you seeing him next? I want to talk to the bastard myself."

"Okay, wait, why?" I don't think bitchy Blair talking to Dario was a very good idea. She seemed to already have a prejudice towards mythical creatures for some reason.

"You said yourself he was always there when someone passed out."

"Are you suggesting that the incidents are his fault?" I asked.

"Well, it is a little suspicious that he's always there when it happens, or at least nearby," Blair said. "He could be covering for someone then. And doesn't the culprit always return to the scene of the crime?"

I agreed that it was odd that Dario always seemed to be around after the incidents, but could he really be behind everyone passing out? He didn't seem to be like the type of guy to hurt people. And he was with me during the first attack, although, I guess he could've been covering for someone.

"Fine," I said. "We will go find him tonight."


As always, I checked the library first to see if Dario was there, and he wasn't. I actually wasn't expecting him to be there. He told me before he'd let me know when I could see him next, and I haven't heard from him yet.

It didn't take me long to find him though, it's like he knew I was coming. He was standing at the entrance to his hallway talking to someone. I couldn't see anyone at first and then I noticed a four-inch girl with wings floating in front of him. Dario glanced over at us then said something to the girl. She nodded then flew away.

"Was that a fuckin fairy?" Zoey asked.

"No, that was a pixie," Dario said walking over to us. "How can I help you ladies this evening?"

"What's the difference between a pixie and a fairy?" I asked.

"Fairies have magic and pixies don't."

"Fascinating," Blair said. "But we are not here to talk about different kinds of tiny flying women."

"Not all fairies and pixies are women," Dario said glaring at Blair.

"Do you know what's happening to the humans screaming and then passing out?" I asked bluntly to quickly change the subject.

"How should I know?" Dario asked.

"Well you always seem to be at the scene of the crime," Blair said snottily.

Dario raised his eyebrows at her. "Are you suggesting that the incidents are my fault?"

"If the shoe fits."

"And if it wasn't you, then it may be one of your friends that you're covering for," Zoey added.

Dario looked at me astounded and I looked at my feet guiltily. I wasn't sure what I could say to make this situation better. To be honest, I was kind of suspicious too.

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