Chapter 27

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After my head had stopped spinning and the nurse checked me over, I was able to leave the hospital. The first thing I wanted to do was go find Lilia and ask how she was. I haven't seen her in so long and I was dying to talk to her.

There were a lot of thoughts running through my head on my way back to dinner. I felt like I should be more surprised after hearing the news that I was an Angel. But ever since the start of this year, I knew there was something different about me. Being an Angel was definitely not what I was expecting, but still.

What if I was a bad Angel? No, not like evil. I mean what if I can't control any of my powers? And end up hurting someone? Or if I was just incapable of using them. Then I'd just pretty much be a human with a fancy label. That would be no good, then I'd be the laughing stock of the mythical creatures.

Now that I knew I was an Angel it made me wonder about Dario and my blood. He said it was the best he's ever had and Victoria said it could either be because A: I had really good blood or B: He liked me. Now I was just about positive that it was just because my blood was Angel blood. Which is also why Adrijana said she heard my bloodline was extraordinary. I mean, I was an Angel, I had to have delicious blood, right? I couldn't tell if it made me disappointed or not. I guess it was good that Dario didn't like me like that. I was probably going to marry Lazarus after all, and Dario had to marry Adrijana.

"Elizabeth!!" Zoey yelled breaking my trance. I didn't realize that I was already at the entrance to the dining room.

Zoey and the rest of my table, including Lilia, all turned to look at me. I grinned and headed over towards them. They all stood to greet me.

I hugged Zoey first. "I've missed you!" She said.

"I've missed you too!" I said. Even though I couldn't possibly miss anyone while I was in my coma like sleep.

Lilia came over and hugged me. "Oh my goodness! Elizabeth! It's been so long!" She yelled.

"I know, how are you?" I asked sitting down next to her. Blair, Zoey, and Chris sat across from us.

"I'm fine. I was a little nauseous when I first woke up, but I got over it pretty quick. Zoey and Blair here filled me in about everything that's been going on with you guys. And-" she glanced at Chris then lowered her voice. "Mythical creatures are real? Holy crap! That's amazing! And you finally woke up, thank goodness."

Did they know what I was? I'd have to talk to them back in our dorm room, away from potential eavesdroppers.

"What's been going on with you guys?" I asked.

"Nothing fun. Just schoolwork," Chris said.

"Oh shit school work," I said. "How the hell am I supposed to catch up?"

"You'll figure it out," Lilia said in her old airy voice. "I was able to catch up, miraculously."

That may be true, except Lilia was probably better at getting things done than I am, especially with homework. I just have a hard time with doing things I don't want to do. Especially if they were boring things like homework.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Lazarus standing behind me. "Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"Sure," I said.

I stood and followed Lazarus out of the dining hall. I expected for him to stop in the entrance way like we always did when he wanted to talk, but he kept walking. I didn't question him and followed him through the castle. I couldn't tell what kind of mood Lazarus was in. He didn't seem mad, but shouldn't he seem a bit more happy that I was awake? I mean, he hasn't gotten to talk to me in a month. And right now, he was barely looking at me.

We went out to the courtyard and sat at our bench. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh spring air. I was so glad it wasn't winter anymore. Being able to sit outside and not freeze to death was always a good thing in my book.

"Is it true?" Lazarus asked.

I turned to him confused. I thought he knew I was an Angel. I know he knew why the witches were targeting me. He was one of the people who refused to tell me why.

"Is what true? That I am an Angel?" I asked.

"No, I always knew that."

"How come you got to know that before me?"

"Because when you're engaged to someone it's best to know who, or in this case what, they are," Lazarus said. "Your parents told my parents and me right before the engagement was agreed on."

"How'd you take it?" I asked.

"I wasn't surprised, my cousin is a vampire, remember?"

Oh yeah. I sometimes forget that Lazarus and Dario are related. It just seems so unbelievable to me. I mean, how could the two main guys in my life be related? What are the odds?

"Oh. So then back to your original question, is what true?"

"Are you going to be a part of the Diamond class next year?" Lazarus asked looking at me with sad eyes that made my heart drop.

"Yes, Elridge and Krail think it's a good idea. I agreed, but only if I still got to room with my roommates. So, at least I'll still get to see them."

"What about me? When do you get to see me?" Lazarus asked. His voice was close to panic. Like he thought he might lose me forever, just because I was going to the Diamond Class. It was a little ridiculous, but his wanting to see me so bad was cute.

"Don't worry, Lazarus, if I snuck out at night to see the mythical creatures, I can sneak out during the day to see you."

Lazarus looked at me surprised. "You would do that?"

"Of course, you mean a lot to me too, Lazarus," I said taking his hand.

Lazarus looked down at our hands then back up at me. "What do I mean to you?"

I hated that question. What did Lazarus mean to me? I've known him my whole life, I did care about him and I knew he cared about me. "You're very important to me, but if you're wondering about our engagement I still don't know."

Lazarus nodded. "I figured. I'm going to turn 18 this year though."

"I know. And I promise you'll have an answer then."

"I feel so bad."

"About what?"

"I wasn't able to protect you. I still can't protect you."

"I don't need you to protect me. I just need you to be there for me."

Lazarus sighed. I could tell he didn't like my answer. Well that's too bad, I just spoke the truth.

"What's it like being an Angel?" Lazarus asked.

"Terrifying," I said honestly.


I noticed that since I grabbed his hand Lazarus had moved closer to me. Our thighs were touching and his body heat was keeping me warm from the chilly spring night.

"Because everyone seems to expect so much from me. What if I'm an awful angel? What if I can't use any of my powers? I don't feel any different. What if everyone made a mistake and I'm still human?"

Lazarus shook his head. "You're an Angel alright, you went through the change. If you wouldn't have changed, you would've died. As for if you'd be a good one, you've always had a lot of determination. You'll be a good one."

"I'm still scared," I said.

"Can you promise me something?"


"No matter what happens in your new life, promise that I'll still be a part of it."

I couldn't possibly think of something that would keep Lazarus out of my life. I squeezed his hand and rested my head on his shoulder. "I promise." 

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