Chapter 26

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I knew I was in a hospital before I opened my eyes. It wasn't hard to deduce. The bed I was sleeping on wasn't familiar and the room smelled all clean.

I finally opened my eyes to a bright room. I looked around expecting to see one of my friends here. You know, like Victoria, Lazarus, Zoey, Blair or Dario. None of them were here, instead Elridge, of all freakin people, sat in a chair next to me. At least I got to see something attractive when I woke up. Bonus.

"I had a feeling you were going to wake up today," Elridge said.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked starting to sit up, and immediately laid back down because my head had started to spin.

"A month."

"A month?" What? I had to have heard him wrong. How could I have been asleep for a month? Was that even possible? Or was he just kindly telling me I've been in a coma that whole time?

"Yes, a month. Which I'm very proud of myself for being able to predict when you'd wake up. Some people said you may have been asleep for even longer. But clearly they're not as smart as I am."

"I don't understand why I was asleep for so long anyway," I said.

Elridge sighed. Like he knew I was going to ask that but still didn't really want to answer it. "Do you remember anything from that night? The night you were taken by the witches and wizards?"

I thought back and couldn't think of much. Everything was fuzzy. "I remember Dario," I said. "And a very bright light."

"Ah yes, the bright light that triggered everything. That saved yours and everyone else's life."

"What? How?"

"When you were threatened, your body automatically protected itself," Elridge explained. "The white light your body produced all of a sudden allowed you a way to free yourself. I believe Faye said your skin also was able to burn whoever touched you. It really is amazing, how you didn't even have to think about protecting yourself. Your body just did it for you as a defense mechanism."

"I don't get how my body was able to do that though," I said.

"I can't really explain that to you. It's just because of what you are," Elridge said.

"And what am I?"

Elridge studied me, his gold eyes glowing. "An Angel."

I stared at him. Did he just say Angel? Like the people from Heaven? There was no way I was an Angel. How could I be an Angel and not know about it? "I'm a what?" I asked sounding almost exactly like Daniel Radcliffe in the first Harry Potter movie when Harry was told he was a wizard.

"An Angel. I know what you're thinking, you're not an Angel of heaven, it's just what the name of your species is. Like demons aren't actually creatures of hell."

"How could I have not known about this?" I asked.

"Angel powers don't usually develop until early adulthood. Your powers are actually early. Which scared us because then there was a greater chance that the change in your body could have failed, and then you could have died. You actually almost did die. If Magius wasn't here to put you back to sleep when you woke up that one time, then you wouldn't be talking to me right now."

I let that sink in for a minute. I almost died, because my body had changed into an Angel. I was an Angel. I still couldn't believe it.

"How come no one ever told me?" I asked thinking of all the times I've asked people why I was so special and no one ever told me.

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