Chapter 12

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I returned to Gemstone Academy Sunday morning after New Years. No, I wasn't happy about being back, it was school after all. However, I actually did miss my roommates, and Dario. I really wanted to see Dario again and I wasn't sure why. Lazarus' warning didn't faze me at all. Probably because I thought it was total bullshit. I mean, Dario dangerous? I didn't believe that for a second.

The first day back was spent catching up with my roommates. I'm not gonna lie, I was also keeping a lookout for Dario, but I never spotted him, which wasn't surprising. He never seemed to be around when I wanted him to be. Zoey, Blair, and Lilia kept asking me questions about my stay at Lazarus' castle. Lilia thought the Ruby necklace he gave me for Christmas was exquisite. I agreed, I haven't taken it off since he gave it to me. My roommates all thought something happened between Lazarus and I that I wasn't telling them. However, I did notice how relieved Blair was after I insisted that nothing happened between us and that we were still just friends.

Now I was on my way to Etiquette class Monday afternoon by myself. Blair and Lilia should already be there because I was running late after lunch and I told them to go on ahead without me. I didn't think it would be fair if all of us had to face Professor Natasha Lordsbee's wrath thanks to me.

I was almost there when I saw a group of people freaking out in the hallway. I spotted Blair and Zoey over there too. Why was Zoey not at her class? Oh wait, dumb question. It was Zoey. I quickly went over to where they were to see what was going on.

"Where's Lilia?" I asked Zoey.

Zoey pointed a little ways away to where a girl with ghostly features was lying on the floor. Professor Charlene stood over top of her. "Not again," She said. I noticed Elridge coming down the hallway towards Professor Charlene.

"Is that...Lilia?" I asked in a whisper.

Blair nodded.

Holy shit.


At dinner Blair, Zoey, and I went to our room because we weren't hungry. We were too freaked out by what happened to Lilia. How could this happen to poor sweet Lilia? What did she do to deserve this?

"What happened?" I asked Zoey and Blair. I haven't had the chance to ask Blair if they saw what happened yet because Professor Natasha Lordsbee blabbed the whole class period and didn't give us a chance to talk. I tried to talk to Blair once, but Professor Natasha Lordsbee noticed and slammed her ruler down on our table scaring the shit out of us.

"We don't know," Zoey said. "We didn't see what happened."

"Lilia got ahead of me because she was worried about being late for class," Blair said. "When I turned the corner to Etiquette class, I ran into Zoey and we found her passed out on the ground."

"Yeah, I asked if anyone else in the area saw what happened and they all said no," Zoey said. "They did say they heard her scream, though."

"This is ridiculous!" Blair shouted. "What the hell is going on at this stupid school anyway?!"

"That's what I've been wondering," I said. "This can't be a sickness or anything, can it?"

"No, I doubt it," Zoey said. "If it were, then the doctor would at least have a diagnosis by now. Wouldn't he?"

"You would think," I said.

"I wonder if the Headmaster will tell us anything," Blair said.

"No, if he was going to say anything to us he would've by now," Zoey said.

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