Chapter 8

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So far school was pretty boring, which I guess was what was supposed to be expected. I was halfway through my second week of school and I felt like I had already been here for months.

I had just gotten back to my dorm room from the showers and my roommates were lounging around. Zoey was drawing something, Blair was doing her nails, and Lilia was reading. Reading? Shit! That reminded me that I still have to write that essay about something that represents royalty and its history. The assignment is due tomorrow! I completely forgot about it. Geez, I wasn't even two weeks in and I was already forgetting assignments. I suck.

"Hey, Lilia, do you still have that book for the How To Run A Country paper?" I asked.

"Oh no! I forgot you needed it! I already returned it to the library," Lilia said looking guilty.

"Don't act like it's your fault, Lilia. It's Elizabeth's fault for procrastinating for so long," Blair said examining her nails.

"Shut up, Blair!" I yelled. "Shit! What am I going to do?"

"Just go get the book," Zoey said.

"But it's after curfew."

"So? Don't get caught. You don't want a zero on the essay do you? I'm sure it's worth the risk. Well, for you anyway. I wouldn't care."

"Ugh. You're right," I said. "Will you come with me?"

"Nope," Zoey said laying down on her bed. "If I get caught again, then I'm in big trouble."

I looked over at Blair. "Don't even ask," She said. I'm not sure why she cared about being caught, but whatever.

"Lilia?" I asked desperately. I really didn't want to go by myself.

Lilia shook her head. "Sorry, I don't want to get caught and ruin my record so early in the year."

Damn. I guess I should have expected that from perfect little Lilia.

"Fine," I said. "I'll be back soon."

I left our dorm room and entered the dark hallway. There was no one in sight. So far so good.

The library was on the second floor. It took me a few minutes to find the right hallway. It was even harder to find my way around this place in the dark. Sure, there was a light from a candle every few feet, but it wasn't very bright. I was relieved to find the door to the library was open and not locked. Wait...why was it open?

I cautiously looked into the library. I didn't see anyone. Hm. Odd. Maybe the school didn't feel the need to lock the library at night. They probably assumed that no teenager in their right mind would want to steal a book.

I tip toed into the room and heard a noise behind me. I looked over my shoulder to check the door again as I walked into an aisle. I didn't see anything. When I looked forward again I came face to face with a guy who just looked up from a book. He jumped back in surprise and I screamed.

"Whoa! Shhhh!" He said. "You want to get us both caught?"

"Sorry, you scared the shit out of me," I said.

My eyes finally adjusted and I got a good look at the guy. Holy shit, he was HOT. He rivaled Lazarus, and that's saying a lot. He might even be more attractive than Elridge, wait no, I wasn't so sure about that one. Anyway, he had blonde wavy hair, milky skin that was clear from any imperfection, and he was tall. He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt that was fitted so you could see his muscles. There was something off about him though. Oh, I know what it was. His eyes were bright purple. Then he blinked and they were sky blue. What the...? Maybe it was just a trick of the light.

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